Rand Paul: A Brave Marine Lt. Colonel Stepped Forward and Revealed that 15 US Agencies Knew COVID-19 Was Created in Lab in 2018 ...
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who happens to be a US Senator and a Doctor of Ophthalmology, released a stunning report on Tuesday where he discovered that 15 different federal agencies knew that the Wuhan laboratory in China was trying to create a COVID-19 vir...
It's incredible that ANYONE still trusts ANY government or government-adjacent entity at this point.
Look forward to hearing this , TY
Treason, plain and simple.
And everyone involved in these agencies must be tried and imprisoned for a significant number of years, at the very least. Those at the top, must receive the death penalty. Their compliance in going with the flow resulted in lifetime injuries and deaths. They were aiding and abetting the enemies within and without the country. See something, say something or suffer the consequences.
At least there was ONE patriot that came forward. The rest got their 30 pieces of silver and kept their mouths shut!
Traitors all. We need to get rid of the sewer rats!