154 Aussie posts sign “Covid is a Scam, Change my Mind.” No one wants to change his mind. The Great Awakening Down Under (twitter.com) - N C S W I C - posted 306 days ago by lovecymru 306 days ago by lovecymru +154 / -0 28 comments share 28 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Hahahaha. Yes, very funny! Hahaha.
But not informed.
Population of Melbourne: 5 million.
Size of March (Freedom Rally, 2021) approix 400,000
Canberra. Population approx 380,000
Size of Rally (most people traveled more than 6 hours to get there) Est. Several hundred thousand
Population in the US: 350 million+, Biggest freedom rally? Hmmmm...
Don't believe the media, cashless.
Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?
Good old Ralph...love how so many got his reference haha