It was not staged. It happened live and shocked everyone there. I talked to some of the folks there. The armored vehicle was not in place and caused a delay. Ruby may have been coerced to do it though…no one knows.
All those people suck at security, then. There is no excuse for allowing someone to get into what should have been a secured area with a weapon. They may not have had everyone read in on the staging, if that’s what it was, but it wouldn’t be impossible for someone to have been working with a handful of people on the inside to stage it.
That’s what the CIA does for a living, after all…
We currently think the clowns talk openly through coded media comms. We know they deny everything. Why do you think the people you talked to would either know, or tell you?. They may not have had everyone read in on the staging, if that’s what it was, but it wouldn’t be impossible for someone to have been working with people on the inside to stage it.
Camera was out because Oswald was being transferred. Ruby rushed in…
Narrative, yes.
Actual, though?
Everyone’s’ face seems way too staged.
Why’s Oswald recoiling like he’s already been hit? Where’s the hole?
Was he not hit already? Why are his eyes closed with a grimace?
Why is that fed not staring straight at Ruby in process of moving, rather than leaning away in shock? Isn’t he trained to like… respond?
The whole thing screams “photo op to evoke a response for driving a narrative”.
The video doesn’t exactly help the argument that it wasn’t staged.
It was not staged. It happened live and shocked everyone there. I talked to some of the folks there. The armored vehicle was not in place and caused a delay. Ruby may have been coerced to do it though…no one knows.
Rubenstein, you mean.
All those people suck at security, then. There is no excuse for allowing someone to get into what should have been a secured area with a weapon. They may not have had everyone read in on the staging, if that’s what it was, but it wouldn’t be impossible for someone to have been working with a handful of people on the inside to stage it.
That’s what the CIA does for a living, after all…
We currently think the clowns talk openly through coded media comms. We know they deny everything. Why do you think the people you talked to would either know, or tell you?. They may not have had everyone read in on the staging, if that’s what it was, but it wouldn’t be impossible for someone to have been working with people on the inside to stage it.