When I was a child, I was brought into a basement to be... violated.
While I was being raped, a man was dragged downstairs, and was told to rape a boy that was bent over in front of him, or they would the man and his family, who were lined up along a wall, where there was also a man behind a camera on a tripod.
Someone else came up to him, and told him
"If you don't do it, they will kill your family, and nothing can undo that, but if you do it, it'll be fine, because that boy is used to it, and no one has to die"
Mercy leads to forgiveness which leads to healing. Please keep the prayers going.
When I was a child, I was brought into a basement to be... violated. While I was being raped, a man was dragged downstairs, and was told to rape a boy that was bent over in front of him, or they would the man and his family, who were lined up along a wall, where there was also a man behind a camera on a tripod.
Someone else came up to him, and told him "If you don't do it, they will kill your family, and nothing can undo that, but if you do it, it'll be fine, because that boy is used to it, and no one has to die"
Mercy leads to forgiveness which leads to healing. Please keep the prayers going.
"Sanders" - https://twitter.com/CTSurvivor17/status/1781768153728459102
Her story goes on - https://twitter.com/CTSurvivor17/status/1782006954287636689
Thank you for the links.
For your Twitter ignorant friends (parents/grandparents)
Thank you.
There's a missing verb in that sentence. "Kill"? So gross though.
Amen, these people are sicker then most people are aware of.