The people running the show claim to be Jewish, and claim to be Israel, but are almost certainly not.
If that’s correct, and they are of the Synagogue of Satan as is commonly claimed, it would be in their interest to try and get everyone to destroy Israel to take out as many of God’s people as possible in one swoop.
Those who remain who are not in the faith would think, justifiably, that faithfulness to God is evil and remain turned from Him.
I strongly suspect that it’s effectively bearing false witness against God to try and force God into either paying a price He would not want to pay, or to violate His Word.
This thinking is spot on. I've been feeling for a while that these evil bastards (or are they spiritual entities?) pulling the strings are like chameleons, and hide in one group and then in another group, pit them against each other so they weaken and destroy each other, then they change and morph and hide in another group and continue the process, continually evading detection.
The people running the show claim to be Jewish, and claim to be Israel, but are almost certainly not.
If that’s correct, and they are of the Synagogue of Satan as is commonly claimed, it would be in their interest to try and get everyone to destroy Israel to take out as many of God’s people as possible in one swoop.
Those who remain who are not in the faith would think, justifiably, that faithfulness to God is evil and remain turned from Him.
I strongly suspect that it’s effectively bearing false witness against God to try and force God into either paying a price He would not want to pay, or to violate His Word.
This thinking is spot on. I've been feeling for a while that these evil bastards (or are they spiritual entities?) pulling the strings are like chameleons, and hide in one group and then in another group, pit them against each other so they weaken and destroy each other, then they change and morph and hide in another group and continue the process, continually evading detection.
Bingo. It doesn’t matter what “your” group is, they’re in it or working to get in it.
I completely agree with you. Their master is the author of confusion, the accuser of the brethren, father of lies.