"Move along, nothing to see here". Having your eyes open is not part of their plan. They want you in fear so they can control your emotions. Will you let them have their way with your mind? Even if Trump somehow loses, will we stay fearful? Our forefathers fought a war to break away from the tyranny that was thrust upon them, they saw the evil and took action. If Trump is not in the picture it will be up to US to become our forefathers and fight back so we can live free lives. Is your life so precious, is your kids' and grandkids' lives so precious, is this great country so precious that you will not spill your own blood to fight the evil that wants to control the people? We are getting close to that point, you will have to dedice which road you will tread. Our forefathers chose to fight to the death on snow covered battlefields so their children would have a better life. If we chose to sit and watch mindless television shows, then we deserve to live under the foot of tyranny. IF we choose to fight, we might die, but our kids will certainly live a better life. It is almost time to choose..........Freedom to live or shackles for a bowl of rice. Choices are hard, FREEDOM is harder.
"Move along, nothing to see here". Having your eyes open is not part of their plan. They want you in fear so they can control your emotions. Will you let them have their way with your mind? Even if Trump somehow loses, will we stay fearful? Our forefathers fought a war to break away from the tyranny that was thrust upon them, they saw the evil and took action. If Trump is not in the picture it will be up to US to become our forefathers and fight back so we can live free lives. Is your life so precious, is your kids' and grandkids' lives so precious, is this great country so precious that you will not spill your own blood to fight the evil that wants to control the people? We are getting close to that point, you will have to dedice which road you will tread. Our forefathers chose to fight to the death on snow covered battlefields so their children would have a better life. If we chose to sit and watch mindless television shows, then we deserve to live under the foot of tyranny. IF we choose to fight, we might die, but our kids will certainly live a better life. It is almost time to choose..........Freedom to live or shackles for a bowl of rice. Choices are hard, FREEDOM is harder.
^^ We would be lucky IF we got a bowl of Crickets, Rollypulleys, and some Crab Grass from them...Remember THEY want most of us Dead!