If you Think poisoned Cereal and flu tainted Milk isn't just for Breakfast any more, you need The Sunday Funnies.
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It depends on what I am baking. With carb counting, I need to take insulin for all my carbs, and extra if I have protien/fat heavy meals (ie 2nd or 3rd shot sometimes). Granted if I take the ultra fast acting inhalable stuff (Afrezza) I just set my CGM to a low level & huff some insulin every time I go above that line. Some meals have me huffing insulin every 30-40 minutes for a few hours. All the things that make me fat & should give me heart issues.
My mother taught me to use sugar like one should use garlic & vanilla. Estimate it until you like how it tastes 😅
Some recipes I have cut back a bit on sugar, though more often than not I use what a recipe calls for & if I am just going quick it will end up with a heaping instead of levelled cup so maybe 5%-10% extra.
If I have to take the insulin for it anyway, I better enjoy it 😜
edit - The biggest key is to love what you are doing & enjoy the bake. That love really does bring a much better flavor & a Japanese study showed how that emotion makes a better structure in water.
Of all the things sugar is one of the worst to put into the body. If baking is your passion, its gonna be tough fren!
It certainly is. I use honey & monk fruit too for various recipes. Though I just love backing & cooking in general.