Just a random thought, but I wonder how many people this happens to that are actually framed? Like you don’t play along with XYZ and now all the sudden the police/FBI/whomever busts in your house and find 60,000 kiddie porn images?
Think about what kind of message this could send to others that are thinking about not playing ball.
Anyone remember the guy who was being gang stalked and started uploading videos? At one point they tried to set a fire at his house and plant CP.
The footage that stood out the most was he pops out of his home with the camera running and zooms in on a van across the street, the men in side quickly panic and slam the door shut and take off.
What he captured in the vehicle was a huge camera that has x ray capability of some sorts.
I believe he ended up mysteriously dead after a while or in jail.
The guy who leaked Vault 7, was later charged and convicted of storing encrypted child porn on his home computer. Sounds like it could have been planted there in advance, as an insurance policy to later lock him up and throw away the keys.
Just a random thought, but I wonder how many people this happens to that are actually framed? Like you don’t play along with XYZ and now all the sudden the police/FBI/whomever busts in your house and find 60,000 kiddie porn images?
Think about what kind of message this could send to others that are thinking about not playing ball.
Not saying this guy is innocent, just a thought.
Tucker Carlson mentioned this last week.
Anyone remember the guy who was being gang stalked and started uploading videos? At one point they tried to set a fire at his house and plant CP.
The footage that stood out the most was he pops out of his home with the camera running and zooms in on a van across the street, the men in side quickly panic and slam the door shut and take off.
What he captured in the vehicle was a huge camera that has x ray capability of some sorts.
I believe he ended up mysteriously dead after a while or in jail.
And now you know the REAL reason they banned lead paint.
The guy who leaked Vault 7, was later charged and convicted of storing encrypted child porn on his home computer. Sounds like it could have been planted there in advance, as an insurance policy to later lock him up and throw away the keys. https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9N71VA7/joshua-schulte-who-leaked-vault-/c/