Ok, but did you notice the driver's eyes were reflective in the dark? Humans are not supposed to have reflective eyes. See:
Do human eyes reflect light like animals?
"Though our eyes have much in common with cats' eyes, humans do not have this tapetum lucidum layer. If you shine a flashlight in a person's eyes at night, you don't see any sort of reflection."
I'd love to hear how that works. We have a low-res, black-and-white security video here from a bus in Brazil or (?) How would 'video editing and compression' cause this odd eye reflection to occur. Please educate me.
Ok, but did you notice the driver's eyes were reflective in the dark? Humans are not supposed to have reflective eyes. See:
Do human eyes reflect light like animals?
"Though our eyes have much in common with cats' eyes, humans do not have this tapetum lucidum layer. If you shine a flashlight in a person's eyes at night, you don't see any sort of reflection."
The guy behind him had the same eyes.
Yes! I noticed that later. What is going on here?
Redeye filters?
So you think the camera in the bus is employing red-eye filters? Why would it, and if so, how would it show as a white reflection?
Oh well deeeeefinitely a fake lizard video and definitely not an artifact of video editing or compression.
I'd love to hear how that works. We have a low-res, black-and-white security video here from a bus in Brazil or (?) How would 'video editing and compression' cause this odd eye reflection to occur. Please educate me.
Contact lens?
Contact lenses do not do that. I am a long-time wearer.