Hey man just wanna say I noticed your name. I left Colorado in 2011 for Kansas (came to take care of my disabled family member) But... I miss Colorado.
That said, I could travel there tonight and i'd still miss it. The Colorado I lived in as a kid in the 90s and a teen in the 00s .... It doesnt exist anymore. I was raised in Thornton/Northglenn though and its a shame whats became of Adams County (And the Denver metro area and its suburbs in general)
Remember those dancing Irish when the towers fell? Riverdancing?
😂 🎯
I love it when someone baits the lefty's into making a community note thinking they are correcting an error, but instead expose the actual truth!
We have been dumbed down, but they have really really been dumbed down. It's the Imbreeding that's gettin' 'em.
Me too. It's the absolute best!
It was up for a bit but was taken down. Wonder why? Israel ✡️ was like 🤯.....😆.
Someone had also taken a screenshot while it was up.
We all know the Satanists from Israel are the ones that placed the blasting caps into place and warned all the Jews not to go to work on a Tuesday
Hey man just wanna say I noticed your name. I left Colorado in 2011 for Kansas (came to take care of my disabled family member) But... I miss Colorado.
That said, I could travel there tonight and i'd still miss it. The Colorado I lived in as a kid in the 90s and a teen in the 00s .... It doesnt exist anymore. I was raised in Thornton/Northglenn though and its a shame whats became of Adams County (And the Denver metro area and its suburbs in general)
WTF?! I was not dancing!
Original post has been disappeared as usual. Does anyone know what Washington Post article is cited by community notes?
Its been awhile since I dug into that rabbit hole but wasnt SA involved as well? I definitely never once heard it was the Irish though lmao
https://twitter.com/Lucas_Gage_/status/1785459902749503701 u/#topkek
Fuckin 😂