I can't imagine someone thinking all his moves are made on his own, like, he doesn't have a brilliant team behind him, saving him from being assassinated by the global cabal. His admin takes down 2/3 of the pyramid, yet he still kicking along. Like he's just out there, one guy, one man, destroying the cabal, on his own. No help. Just one dude.
Yes, I am familiar with basic organizational structure. The point is, with those structures, the important decisions tend to flow to the top, and at least require a sign off from the boss.
It's the same cycle in here always. Trump backs a terrible political candidate. They fail miserably. Then you say "Oh, he just did that to expose them!" Now it's his own family, so you've got nothing to fall back on other than your current weak argument, "must have been someone else!" lol..
Now it's 2/3 of the pyramid? Rhetorically, shouldn't it just collapse then? Anyways, keep believing in a mortal savior, I'm sure that'll work out for you.
GOP begging for cash using Trumps name. Yet those faggots have not said a single word about this sham trail. Fuck the GOP.
Came here to say the last sentence.
I thought that Rhonna Mcdonalds (mcdaniel?) was fired and Laura Trump is now part of the organization?
The "Don" got hustled again.
I'm starting to think he's not particularly good at political strategy.
I can't imagine someone thinking all his moves are made on his own, like, he doesn't have a brilliant team behind him, saving him from being assassinated by the global cabal. His admin takes down 2/3 of the pyramid, yet he still kicking along. Like he's just out there, one guy, one man, destroying the cabal, on his own. No help. Just one dude.
Yes, I am familiar with basic organizational structure. The point is, with those structures, the important decisions tend to flow to the top, and at least require a sign off from the boss.
It's the same cycle in here always. Trump backs a terrible political candidate. They fail miserably. Then you say "Oh, he just did that to expose them!" Now it's his own family, so you've got nothing to fall back on other than your current weak argument, "must have been someone else!" lol..
Now it's 2/3 of the pyramid? Rhetorically, shouldn't it just collapse then? Anyways, keep believing in a mortal savior, I'm sure that'll work out for you.
Delete, delete, delete, etc.
Block them, I did