Congress to vote on stopping market fraud exposure on Tuesday the 7th. This could further delay the GME, AMC, DJT MOASS and allow market criminals to get away with liability
🧠 These people are stupid!
Business as usual.
Holding very low expectations from this group nowadays. Of course they are going to protect themselves.
It’s like we’re on a back and forth stalemate. Even these court cases are a waste. It’s as if there’s an event coming that’s unstoppable and we’re just stalling till then.
The EU removing their approval of the AstraZeneca clot shot may be that event. But yes. It’s like a giant stall to an upcoming event, then another stall to another event. I see how we’ve been in 5GWarfare for decades.
False narratives of JFK. Nixon closing the gold window and starting the drug war. Then the savings and loans scandal in the 80s involving Neil Bush (yes that Bush family again) that destroyed local community bank structure. Chronic disease going from <6% to over 60% in less than 50 years. The entire population dependent on Pharma or supplements. The obesity, diabetic, kidney disease epidemic. Broken families, divorce rates, skyrocketing missing kids and child abuse at home or by teachers. Grown men running around in dresses with penis bulges, colleges beyond expensive with only higher indoctrination, forced vaccinations, domestic government spy networks and on and on and on. Lawfare.
The media presents all these events as one offs, unrelated and out of context. 2020 was an open bioweapon attack and regime change by intelligence agencies and corporate America. This is all working as one unit.
The self discipline of the free vs the iron fist of communism, infiltration not invasion. Private armies and air forces JFK was slow walking the threat, but now it’s out in the open.