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To Be Happy, Women Must Do The Opposite Of Everything Secular Western Culture Tells Them


This is a very review of a very interesting book: if you know a teen girl or early twentysomething women, they might be interested in this:

How to Build a Better Life


From the book review:

While our culture may not offer either men or women good counsel about how to create a fulfilling life, author and life coach Suzanne Venker does. A longtime Federalist writer, Suzanne has expanded her writing career into coaching so she can get right in the trenches with women. ... Her overarching theme is simple: To be happy, women have to do just about the opposite of what secularized Western culture tells them. ...

What does it mean to swim against the cultural current? Suzanne lays that out in her chapter titles: Live an examined life, prioritize marriage and family over a career, unleash your feminine power, date with purpose, don’t not have babies or not stay home with them just because you’re in debt, change your definition of work-life balance, learn the truth about daycare (that no one ever told you), and love your life, not theirs.

Suzanne regularly points out that women often clue into the importance of these feminine ways of life so late that it causes them some big regrets.

The author of the book review points out that daycare has been routine for about 50 years; today's young mothers are themselves "daycare kids". They know nothing else, they had no role models, they have no clue HOW to be a "stay at home Mom". They need someone to show them "how to be the Mom they didn't have."