"Whatever happens next, do not comply." donald jr on insta (reposted on X)
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My local ACE hardware, which is a mile from my house, had a guy at the door telling people to put on a mask. I told him I had a medical reason for not wearing one and he asked to see my paperwork. I told him to F off and left. I now drive the extra 5 miles to lowes or hd, neither of which ever gave me any problems. It's a dang shame, but I refuse to do business with people like that, and haven't been back in the almost 4 years since then.
Here in UK denying entrance for no mask was illegal. If you said you were exempt from masks then that was all that was necessary and they had to let you in. An Aldi supermarket who refused entry was successfully sued and paid out 10k in compensation.
Wow, in the UK?
This is one reason I avoided Home Depot (Even in the Free State of Florida!) during COVID. Lowe's never did give me any problem, even in the thick of the COVID Plandemic.
Same here. Lowe’s left me alone but HD had this old man at the door harassing people about masks.
I stopped going to several stores. If the mask people were at the door, I told them to do some research on masks and their purpose.