NEW- Another Informative Montage of This Shit Show Were All Living In ,By Will Paranormal (Bitchute)
💉The Cabal Made You Sick! 🤮
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I can’t watch all of this… makes me so sad but it pisses me off… all the people lost, including my relatives, and all the lives ruined. These vax companies will not be held accountable.
Wish I had your optimism. Praying that all the evildoers receive swift justice.
Revelation 18:23 “The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your pharmakeia all the nations were deceived.
It will happen. When? I’m optimistic to relatively soon.
They’ve been at it a long time. “Soon” may also be some time.
an interesting word to study
I posit that the use of the word in this case was not a condemnation of the word itself but rather an allusion to the poison of the [target] of this passage. It's as if the whole world was poisoned by [them]. We know that the use of herbs or "drugs" to treat ailments was not a sin as there are references to balm for wounds in the Old Testament. That alone is enough to know that the act of mixing substances to create medicines is not a sin. Rather, this passage is a metaphor for the toxic doctrines of Babylon the great (Rome, the Papacy, the RCC)
The dream I had this morning strongly suggests that the time is near.