Q also said that disinformation was necessary. He also said Trust Wray. More disinformation if you ask me. Be discerning. What has Flynn actually done? He was a victim of demo law fare for sure. But other than that? Lots of questions. So many that surrounded Trump have been exposed, it’s hard to know who to trust. I trust Trump, his actions speak louder than words. The rest? Who knows.
“Flynn is a part of the Q psychological operation”, how do you know that?
First indication for most of us were the 59 Q drops which indicate Flynn is a true patriot.
Q also said that disinformation was necessary. He also said Trust Wray. More disinformation if you ask me. Be discerning. What has Flynn actually done? He was a victim of demo law fare for sure. But other than that? Lots of questions. So many that surrounded Trump have been exposed, it’s hard to know who to trust. I trust Trump, his actions speak louder than words. The rest? Who knows.