The vast majority of Republicans just voted for a bill to criminalize criticisms of the Israeli government. Check the last point - Current Israeli policy is genocidal and Nazi in nature. There is no doubt about it. This is honestly one of the most insane laws ever

I don't support this law for a variety of reasons. That said, here are some thoughts: I believe that God is not finished with Jews and that He will deal with the corrupt and evil among them Hear me out. Not believing in Jesus does not separate anyone from God's love or His pursuit of them, though we all get to choose our response, Jew and Gentile alike. In speaking about his fellow Jews, Paul said the following: Rom 11:1-I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! And, Rom 11:28- Concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are BELOVED for the sake of the fathers. And, v29- For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Also, Rom 11:25b-26- blindness in part has happened to Israel UNTIL the fullness of the Gentles has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The Deliverer will come out of Zion (yes, b/c of God, good will come out of Zion :)) and He will turn away ungodliness away from Jacob. Significantly, we look forward to the fulfillment of Zech 12:10-13:1: I will pour out on JERUSALEM (Israel must exist for this,I believe) the Spirit of grace and supplication; they will look on ME whom they have pierced. They will mourn for HIM as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for HIM as one grieves for a firstborn. 11- In that day, there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem..12- the land shall mourn, every family by itself;.. The family of the house of David... Of Nathan.. Of Levi .. Of Shimei.. All the families that remain... Shall mourn...13:3-IN THAT DAY, a fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness. Many Jews have been coming to Christ with the advent of the internet. According to my son (not a Jew) whose best friend is Orthodox Jewish and MAGA, many secular Jews are returning to the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These are all hopeful signs. There is surely a Spirit of supplication at work with current situation. I have sought the Lord a great deal concerning Israel and I've been following the intercessory and prophetic communities for quite some time.a lot of prophecy has already been fulfilled. Prophecy concerning Israel points to a move of God against the corrupt in their govt and on behalf of the people of Israel. It has been prophesied that God has raised up individuals in the Israeli military and government to expose and uproot the corruption in their govt to include the exposure of their ties of corruption to our own govt. A reckoning is coming for the corrupt. There really are patriots, I believe, in Israel who would do good at the right time as surely as there patriots here who have waited for opportunities to do good. Let's keep them in prayer. This is no small undertaking as we all well know.
^This^ explains saving Israel for last.
I agree with you. I've said as much on this site before. I will say that I am unclear about one thing. I have the impression that there is a minimizing of if not outright ignorance of the evils committed by Islam. Islam itself is an evil unto itself if you do your research. Am I missing something? Honest question.
Yes. History has demonstrated that much suffering was done under the banner of Islam and is still occuring today. Yet no one wants to speak of it to any meaningful degree - unless it serves a particular agenda. At Islam's core lies conquest and struggle - just as it states in the Bible about Ishmael. The same holds true regarding the Chinese communists.
Many atrocities were perpetrated under the banner of Christianity - but those atrocities are the only ones allowed to be discussed openly. Christian misguided actions are part of history unlike Islam and Communism. Christianity itself changed its course and determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Current and past Islamic and CCP aggression on the other hand, is minimized, misdirected, concealed, and gaslit. Human failings need to be spoken of and not censored. All the warts of humanity need to be exposed if there is to be any hope of change in behavior for the benefit of mankind. Any time there is an organized assault against a particular group of people versus another, rest assured there is an agenda under foot. No one is willing to discuss the massive infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood and the CCP within our government, but Israeli infiltration is fair game. All of it needs exposure - the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Thanks for your reply. You said what needed to be said.
Paul was an Israelite, NOT a jew.
He wrote his letters to his brotherhood, the Israelites in Europe.
Why did you clip that out of your quote?
Romans 11:1 --
Taking biblical passages out-of-context or clipping words to change the meaning is what A LOT of deceitful "pastors" do.
Furthermore, Paul wrote about the problems the jews had caused the Israelite people.
1 Thessalonians 2:1 --
He is writing to his Israelite brothers.
Later, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 --
The Israelites suffered things their own people did, AND they ALSO suffered things that the jews did. Two DIFFERENT PEOPLE.
The jews killed Christ, killed the prophets, persecuted the Israelites, refused to follow God's Law (i.e. they instead created the Tradition of the Elders to AVOID God's Law), and are CONTRARY to ALL men.
The Edomite jews had political control of the Roman province of Judea (which IN THE PAST was the land of the Kingdom of Judah).
The word "Gentile" is a word that jews lie about. They claim it means "non-jew." But it actually comes from the Latin word "gentillus," which means "not a Roman citizen."
The Romans had ultimate control of Judea, but allowed the Edomite jews to run it, subject to Roman authority. The Romans at that time were PAGANS.
So, the jews, who were following Judaism by this time, were not allowing the Christians to help their fellow Israelites (the ones still living in the area, after their captivity) by preventing them from "converting" the non-Roman citizens who also lived there.
The Edomite jews were converting others to Judaism, but prohibiting Christianity to spread.
Jesus told us that the jews are NOT the children of Jacob.
John 8:37-44 --
The jewish lineage was NOT through Jacob. It was Abraham >> Isaac >> Esau/Edom. Esau mixed with Canaanites, and his bloodline also mixed with Kenites. These Edomites (mixed with the others) are the primary bloodline of the jews today.
Jesus is saying that the jews are NOT of the Father (God). They have a DIFFERENT father.
Notice, Jesus said, at 37, that he knows the jews are of Abraham's SEED, meaning they are part of Abraham's genetic tree. BUT, here he says they are NOT of God (the Father); they have a DIFFERENT father, and they do as their father did.
Now, THIS is one of the most crucial sets of verses in the entire Bible. The mainstream churches ALL get this WRONG.
Jesus is telling the jews that they do the deeds of THEIR father (not God). This we can see from the fact that the jews created their own religion, with the Tradition of the Elders (aka Talmud) BECAUSE they do not want to follow God's Law (OT/NT).
And they respond by saying, We are not born of FORNICATION.
Do you have ANY idea what the word "fornication" means in the Bible?
You have been told it means pre-maritial are other illicit sex.
No. It means RACE-MIXING.
Jesus is telling the jews that they are NOT of the Israelite family tree, created by God. They are of a MIXED RACE tree, and they don't like what he is saying.
Notice, THEY KNOW what he is saying, and THEY are the ones who protest and bring up the subject of fornication. They are natural born liars, as we will soon see (at least, according to Jesus)
These are not MY words; these are the words of Jesus Christ -- but your typical Christian pastor will NEVER tell you any of this. Just like your typical doctor will never tell you how to BE healthy.
The jews are the children of SATAN, which in Hebrew means "Adversary." Adversary to whom? To the Israelite people!
Their father was a "murderer from the beginning." Who was the murderer all the way back in Genesis?
Cain was a spawn of Satan, and NOT a biological child of Adam. THAT is why the Israelite family tree goes from God >> Adam >> SETH (not Cain) >> ... Abraham >> Isaac >> Jacob/Israel >> 12 sons of Israel, patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Cain's family tree mixed with the Canaanites and the Edomites (and probably others) to create the jew.
Jesus knew WHO he was talking to when he was talking to the jews.
You have to know who is who in the Bible, to understand it.
Most people do nothing but clip out a verse or part of a verse here or there, and claim it means this or that. Pastors do ONLY this every single Sunday of their lives.
What they NEVER do is an in-depth analysis of what it all MEANS.
In the 1500's, Martin Luther became a monk. He believed all he was told in his seminary. BUT ... one day, he got hold of a copy of the Bible (no printed Bibles in those days; only hand-written parchment or papyrus).
He discovered that the Roman Catholic Church, which ruled Christianity for 1,000 years, had been LYING to their people all those years about many important things in the Bible.
He protested, and spawned the Protestant Reformation.
Later, he ALSO discovered that the jews had also been lying about Christianity, and wrote a book, "On the Jews and Their Lies."
More people should READ the Bible, understand it, and not just post a few clips of verses here or there.
We would all be better off (well, maybe not so much the jews, but they have already had their 15 minutes of fame).
To be fair, what you’re covering is definitional stuff that’s pointing out that words that we’ve been told mean the same things, don’t. To the degree that sentences don’t make sense, since the definitions are wrong, it’s easy to just assume “they sure did talk funny” and brush it off.
In my opinion, far worse than this is that the very Name of God has been almost completely blotted out of His own book.
“You, yes you, are [word that I don’t know what it means]! Repeat the line! You. You. You are. You you you.”
They’ve successfully turned us all into Brawndo employees.
Yes, that is the main problem.