This has been an issue in the mountains for quite a while. Japanese car manufactures using soy insulated wiring on all electrical cables. Mountain critters of all sorts eat them up. Shorts out the electrical systems.
I can vouch for this. We stayed in Sedona for 5 weeks during the covid lockdown (hiking in nature every day). A man staying in the condo next to us couldn't start his brand new truck one day. He discovered the wires had been eaten.
We found a very huge field rat in our van after noticing our child's car seat had been chewed. We assumed that a large rat also ate our neighbor's truck wiring.
The local hardware clerk told us to put a flashing light under the hood to avoid these destructive visitors.
Foxes? I know a few leftists who will chew on anything if its made of soy!
They are foxes. Howls.
Thats typically how they become leftists --- too much soy.
This is a huge problem with rats in the desert. Pool heaters and cars are on the menu. They love that soy jacket.
Their inventions are all full of holes.
This has been an issue in the mountains for quite a while. Japanese car manufactures using soy insulated wiring on all electrical cables. Mountain critters of all sorts eat them up. Shorts out the electrical systems.
Never heard of it until now. When I first saw this, thought it was a joke. Good to know.
I've had rats eat the wiring twice on my car. After the second time, I had the mechanic wrap the exposed wiring harnesses with rodent tape.
Yes sir...I had some mice eat up the wiring on my Toyota.
Pretty much any Japanese car 2000 and newer.
Wipers...."vulture vandals"
Can confirm squirrels find it tasty on trucks and muskrats find it tasty on boats
I can vouch for this. We stayed in Sedona for 5 weeks during the covid lockdown (hiking in nature every day). A man staying in the condo next to us couldn't start his brand new truck one day. He discovered the wires had been eaten.
We found a very huge field rat in our van after noticing our child's car seat had been chewed. We assumed that a large rat also ate our neighbor's truck wiring.
The local hardware clerk told us to put a flashing light under the hood to avoid these destructive visitors.
Brake cable sheathing from soy? Oh, FFS....