The entire SpyGate, "Russia, Russia, Russia", impeachment 1 and 2 shams, and everything that was done to Trump as part of the insurance policy was run by the United States Intelligence Agencies, in Collusion with foreign intelligence agencies, foreign government leaders, global MSM, global Big Tech, and many more.
Being run by the top intelligence agencies and top law enforcement agencies, these groups thought they were untouchable. After all, if the cops and judges are party to the crime, do you call the cops or take them to court? How foolish.
This is the shadow government. The shadow government selected the shadow president, ob_ma. The shadow government has likely "selected" many president's overtime.
Trump, the non-Selected, but rather, the Elected, destroyed this system.
The gnashing of the teeth and demon screams we have heard ever since 2015 is the result of exorcizing the demons that have infiltrated our country.
What you have just eluded to along with Purkiss80 leads me to believe that WHEN this ALL goes WILL NOT BE is going to come down ALL AT ONCE...ALL the layers, no matter how deep will be done at the same time and there will be NO STOPPING until the end result is: HUMANITY IS FREE AND CLEAR OF THESE EGOTISTICAL PARASITES...
Gitmo is awaiting it's first customer...Let's create a spreadsheet and see who goes first...My money is on: OBAMA'S BACKER!!!!! That is where it started....
The entire SpyGate, "Russia, Russia, Russia", impeachment 1 and 2 shams, and everything that was done to Trump as part of the insurance policy was run by the United States Intelligence Agencies, in Collusion with foreign intelligence agencies, foreign government leaders, global MSM, global Big Tech, and many more.
Being run by the top intelligence agencies and top law enforcement agencies, these groups thought they were untouchable. After all, if the cops and judges are party to the crime, do you call the cops or take them to court? How foolish.
This is the shadow government. The shadow government selected the shadow president, ob_ma. The shadow government has likely "selected" many president's overtime.
Trump, the non-Selected, but rather, the Elected, destroyed this system.
The gnashing of the teeth and demon screams we have heard ever since 2015 is the result of exorcizing the demons that have infiltrated our country.
Good summary of the war Trump and we are in.
What you have just eluded to along with Purkiss80 leads me to believe that WHEN this ALL goes WILL NOT BE is going to come down ALL AT ONCE...ALL the layers, no matter how deep will be done at the same time and there will be NO STOPPING until the end result is: HUMANITY IS FREE AND CLEAR OF THESE EGOTISTICAL PARASITES...
Gitmo is awaiting it's first customer...Let's create a spreadsheet and see who goes first...My money is on: OBAMA'S BACKER!!!!! That is where it started.... 😯😁😁😯😯😯😯😯😯😯🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
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How did you go bankrupt?....Slowly at first , then ALL at ONCE.