Theoretically, the umbrella company being built behind the scenes by the good guys.
Sears, GameStop, BuyBuyBaby, Blockbuster, RiteAid, PartyCity, and a bunch more speculated to be involved. Companies that were driven out of business by the corrupt hedge funds, some of which are now called "zombie stocks."
Gamestop shall destroy Amazon.
Teddy shall destroy Amazon.
Yep, that's what I meant. So many different consumer areas under "Teddy".
Theoretically, the umbrella company being built behind the scenes by the good guys.
Sears, GameStop, BuyBuyBaby, Blockbuster, RiteAid, PartyCity, and a bunch more speculated to be involved. Companies that were driven out of business by the corrupt hedge funds, some of which are now called "zombie stocks."
I hope Toys R Us finds a way into that.
The bastards.
That is some kind of post.