I thought that was the late Prince Philip, who was so known for bizarre quotes to other foreign dignitaries that one of his nicknames was, I kid you not, "the Duke of Hazard."
Philip was known for his IDGAF attitude about most things, but Tampongate (real thing) was all Chuckie. Back when Madame horseyface was still just the side-piece.
He looks like he's bathing in a pool of blood.
or emerging from hell
King Charles's good friend Jimmy Saville is waiting for him in hell.
Well, he did say he wanted to be a tampon.
I just grossed myself out.
I thought that was the late Prince Philip, who was so known for bizarre quotes to other foreign dignitaries that one of his nicknames was, I kid you not, "the Duke of Hazard."
Philip was known for his IDGAF attitude about most things, but Tampongate (real thing) was all Chuckie. Back when Madame horseyface was still just the side-piece.
Still can’t believe he cheated on Diana with THAT beast. Jesus