So the article says that he was 14 and she was 9, and described it as “playing sexual games." Boys and girls play doctor and skinny dip with each other, and that's really not a big deal. It can be beneficial since it can resolve kids' curiosities. But I get the feeling that this must have been a lot bigger than that sort of thing. With a 5 year age disparity, that implies that he was probably exploiting her. And whatever they were doing, it lasted for 5 years. Sheesh.
He’ll get an education in regard to jailhouse justice for pedos.
Scroll down and read the comments.
One poster said it would have gotten him hired and a promotion with the fag bois.
Top comment -
“If he’d been applying to the CIA or FBI, this kind of admission might have gotten him hired,” posted one user,"
So the article says that he was 14 and she was 9, and described it as “playing sexual games." Boys and girls play doctor and skinny dip with each other, and that's really not a big deal. It can be beneficial since it can resolve kids' curiosities. But I get the feeling that this must have been a lot bigger than that sort of thing. With a 5 year age disparity, that implies that he was probably exploiting her. And whatever they were doing, it lasted for 5 years. Sheesh.