It seems debatable whether voting has ever actually truly given “The People” control. Or just the illusion of control.
It seems we’ve always been pulled between monied interests. With the only real changes historically being the intentions and faces behind those interests.
The Nobility, Clergy, and Aristocracy of the past giving way to the Planters, Merchants, and Bankers of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Who in turn were replaced by the Business Moguls, Modern Bankers, and their associated conglomerates of the 20th, and 21st centuries.
One thing I never understood. Is if that group is pulling all the strings the theory claims. And has existed as long as they say. Has the amount of power as claimed abd Was spreading their tendrils as early as claimed.
Wouldn’t the implication then be. They invented, or at least did nothing to prevent the spread and adoption of the whole idea of the emergence inalienable rights. And by extension the enlightenment and most of the political theories and ideals Americans and by extension America holds dear?
Even though such things run contrary to what is simultaneously claimed these groups wish to accomplish? Which is authoritarian control.
A fair few of the major enlightenment thinkers that are virtually worshipped today as creators of modern thought. Weren’t exactly what one call “Average Joes” and would have ran in the same Circles the Black Nobility would have. Being Masonic Lodges, Secret Societies etc.
So it stands to reason their work should at least be suspect. Because why would it have been allowed to spread unless it benefited them in some way?
Maybe I’m just severely overthinking things and making assumptions. IDK
It seems debatable whether voting has ever actually truly given “The People” control. Or just the illusion of control.
It seems we’ve always been pulled between monied interests. With the only real changes historically being the intentions and faces behind those interests.
The Nobility, Clergy, and Aristocracy of the past giving way to the Planters, Merchants, and Bankers of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Who in turn were replaced by the Business Moguls, Modern Bankers, and their associated conglomerates of the 20th, and 21st centuries.
I think it’s called the Venetian black nobility or the Hensiatic League
One thing I never understood. Is if that group is pulling all the strings the theory claims. And has existed as long as they say. Has the amount of power as claimed abd Was spreading their tendrils as early as claimed.
Wouldn’t the implication then be. They invented, or at least did nothing to prevent the spread and adoption of the whole idea of the emergence inalienable rights. And by extension the enlightenment and most of the political theories and ideals Americans and by extension America holds dear?
Even though such things run contrary to what is simultaneously claimed these groups wish to accomplish? Which is authoritarian control.
A fair few of the major enlightenment thinkers that are virtually worshipped today as creators of modern thought. Weren’t exactly what one call “Average Joes” and would have ran in the same Circles the Black Nobility would have. Being Masonic Lodges, Secret Societies etc.
So it stands to reason their work should at least be suspect. Because why would it have been allowed to spread unless it benefited them in some way?
Maybe I’m just severely overthinking things and making assumptions. IDK
The Rothschilds funded multiple wars to try to stop what was happening in America. They absolutely did not want America to succeed.