One thing I never understood. Is if that group is pulling all the strings the theory claims. And has existed as long as they say. Has the amount of power as claimed abd Was spreading their tendrils as early as claimed.
Wouldn’t the implication then be. They invented, or at least did nothing to prevent the spread and adoption of the whole idea of the emergence inalienable rights. And by extension the enlightenment and most of the political theories and ideals Americans and by extension America holds dear?
Even though such things run contrary to what is simultaneously claimed these groups wish to accomplish? Which is authoritarian control.
A fair few of the major enlightenment thinkers that are virtually worshipped today as creators of modern thought. Weren’t exactly what one call “Average Joes” and would have ran in the same Circles the Black Nobility would have. Being Masonic Lodges, Secret Societies etc.
So it stands to reason their work should at least be suspect. Because why would it have been allowed to spread unless it benefited them in some way?
Maybe I’m just severely overthinking things and making assumptions. IDK
No, there were letters written between royals about how the American “experiment” must not succeed.
Also there’s a secret society war I believe. I just don’t thing white hats are big on force and coercion. We’ll see
Secret Societies feuding and being at war is as believable an explanation as any in explaining the seeming contradiction between their goals and the ideologies that are spreading among the people.
. And as to the WH using Force/Not using Force and Coercion. I mean. They’re in a position where they don’t actually have to make that decision. They know going in that the vast majority of the population will be innately hostile to the Elites end goal. As most people are partial to living. And will thusly back their efforts at least to an extent.
To your point though. So much can just be summed up as “We’ll See”. Very little is written in stone. And most everything including various theories such as the Black Nobility is ultimately suspect. We have no way of knowing with any true degree of true certainty what is 100% honest truth, lies to keep us distracted, and just unintentional misinformation.
The flag of El Salvador tipped me off. It has a Phrygian cap and a pyramid. I do know the Phrygian cap represents some secret society, The fact that El Salvador is trying to build a banker less economy around BTC.
In that vein, it may be possible that some of the enlightenment thinkers wanted to be the "new nobility," but the old guard wanted to keep things as they were. Thus two factions of the cabal infighting.
Yep just like people need to understand that it's not just black vs white and that grayhats exist but we might possibly be caught in a secret war between two cabals with the "patriots" being the one that heavily disagrees with how the "marxists/khazars/whatever they really are" have been running things and the path being taken.
Wouldn’t the implication then be. They invented, or at least did nothing to prevent the spread and adoption of the whole idea of the emergence inalienable rights. And by extension the enlightenment and most of the political theories and ideals Americans and by extension America holds dear?
I'm actually of the belief that we cut a deal for our "independence", and royalty has been running our country since its inception.
The federal reserve, taxes and everything else that was thrust upon us {and the corporation, 1871} is because we made a deal with the devil that we couldn't possibly repay. Once it was clear we would never pay in full, they took steps to make sure they got it - everything
I think it’s called the Venetian black nobility or the Hensiatic League
One thing I never understood. Is if that group is pulling all the strings the theory claims. And has existed as long as they say. Has the amount of power as claimed abd Was spreading their tendrils as early as claimed.
Wouldn’t the implication then be. They invented, or at least did nothing to prevent the spread and adoption of the whole idea of the emergence inalienable rights. And by extension the enlightenment and most of the political theories and ideals Americans and by extension America holds dear?
Even though such things run contrary to what is simultaneously claimed these groups wish to accomplish? Which is authoritarian control.
A fair few of the major enlightenment thinkers that are virtually worshipped today as creators of modern thought. Weren’t exactly what one call “Average Joes” and would have ran in the same Circles the Black Nobility would have. Being Masonic Lodges, Secret Societies etc.
So it stands to reason their work should at least be suspect. Because why would it have been allowed to spread unless it benefited them in some way?
Maybe I’m just severely overthinking things and making assumptions. IDK
No, there were letters written between royals about how the American “experiment” must not succeed. Also there’s a secret society war I believe. I just don’t thing white hats are big on force and coercion. We’ll see
Secret Societies feuding and being at war is as believable an explanation as any in explaining the seeming contradiction between their goals and the ideologies that are spreading among the people.
. And as to the WH using Force/Not using Force and Coercion. I mean. They’re in a position where they don’t actually have to make that decision. They know going in that the vast majority of the population will be innately hostile to the Elites end goal. As most people are partial to living. And will thusly back their efforts at least to an extent.
To your point though. So much can just be summed up as “We’ll See”. Very little is written in stone. And most everything including various theories such as the Black Nobility is ultimately suspect. We have no way of knowing with any true degree of true certainty what is 100% honest truth, lies to keep us distracted, and just unintentional misinformation.
The flag of El Salvador tipped me off. It has a Phrygian cap and a pyramid. I do know the Phrygian cap represents some secret society, The fact that El Salvador is trying to build a banker less economy around BTC.
In that vein, it may be possible that some of the enlightenment thinkers wanted to be the "new nobility," but the old guard wanted to keep things as they were. Thus two factions of the cabal infighting.
Yep just like people need to understand that it's not just black vs white and that grayhats exist but we might possibly be caught in a secret war between two cabals with the "patriots" being the one that heavily disagrees with how the "marxists/khazars/whatever they really are" have been running things and the path being taken.
Wouldn’t the implication then be. They invented, or at least did nothing to prevent the spread and adoption of the whole idea of the emergence inalienable rights. And by extension the enlightenment and most of the political theories and ideals Americans and by extension America holds dear?
I'm actually of the belief that we cut a deal for our "independence", and royalty has been running our country since its inception.
The federal reserve, taxes and everything else that was thrust upon us {and the corporation, 1871} is because we made a deal with the devil that we couldn't possibly repay. Once it was clear we would never pay in full, they took steps to make sure they got it - everything
Sounds like the theory brought up a while back on an episode of Badlands "Breaking History", I think it was the episode on the Venetians.
That sounds like an interesting podcast. Does the "breaking history" mean they try to find and discuss secrets and mysteries of history?
The Rothschilds funded multiple wars to try to stop what was happening in America. They absolutely did not want America to succeed.