The Russians have never succumbed to the panicky thinking about nuclear weapons. They have thought long and hard about how this works and are justifiably convinced that no Western power would escalate to strategic weapons for the sake of tactical goals.
In this event, the only danger is the UK deciding to jab the bear.
Yup, but where the propaganda has taken Russia Russia Russia is not a good place, so they need to convince everyone that they will use nukes if needed to avoid nuclear attacks that people will shrug off with "Russia bad, it's ok" like we know they will.
The Russians have never succumbed to the panicky thinking about nuclear weapons. They have thought long and hard about how this works and are justifiably convinced that no Western power would escalate to strategic weapons for the sake of tactical goals.
In this event, the only danger is the UK deciding to jab the bear.
They got to see first hand the horrors of radioactivity on a population when they had control of Chernobyl.
Russia absolutely respects the power that countries wield, and also knows that they can overwhelm with weapons like Tsar Bomba.
But posturing like this is necessary, because you have to ensure that you show your resolve will go past the point of no return if you need to.
Agreed. And Ukraine abuts Russia. I don't see Russia using nukes because of proximity but would (conventionally) carpet bomb the place if necessary.
Yup, but where the propaganda has taken Russia Russia Russia is not a good place, so they need to convince everyone that they will use nukes if needed to avoid nuclear attacks that people will shrug off with "Russia bad, it's ok" like we know they will.