Which came first? States defined federal government and then the federal government coming around or the federal government acting first?
Try to be intellectually honest instead of trying to find a way to defend your position despite the short failings of it.
The only person that's talking about a civil war is you. If you think a bunch of blue hairs you're going to pick up guns (That most of them don't believe in and don't own) and start a civil War over abortion then you're delusional. They will go cry on TikTok with pussy hats on.
God calls us to establish justice. That starts locally that whatever level we can accomplish it at.
How about you try to understand what you’re reading before you go off on a tangent?
States came first… then a civil war happened because they disagreed and the slave states seceded from the US. Then the federal government happened.
You can down talk it all you want but it’s a real possibility and it’s something that isn’t needed. The people who are pro abortion are not right in the head and are more likely to make extremist decisions on the topic. Obviously I'm the only one who has brought this up in this thread.. that comment is pointless in the discussion here.
We’ve banned slavery federally.. there is absolutely no reason we can’t do this with abortion and there is no reason to divide the country on it like we did with slavery.
Yes God calls us to establish justice. That doesn’t need to start locally. All that does is allow the injustice to continue. All of the pro lifers need to come to terms with this and back up the abolitionists so that we can finally end this injustice instead of letting it continue…
Just like slavery, the people who are for it will not change their mind. This incremental small victory mindset is why we’re where we are today.
We wrote the amicus brief that overturned Roe v Wade
We produced the two anti-abortion documentaries:
"Babies are murdered here"
"Babies are still murdered here"
We've accomplished more in a few short years on a shoestring budget than the pro-life establishment has accomplished in the last 30 years with untold millions of dollars. We've saved countless babies. We've lost count of how many at this point. We've also closed multiple abortion facilities. We've equipped multiple churches all over the world to fight abortion in a biblical manner. Leave published countless hours of content and training on YouTube. We've essentially changed the conversation and the way the issue is approached in large part.
I agree that incrementalism is why we're at where we are today which is why the existing pro-life establishment hates us because we're abolitionists. That's also why we're so successful, it's because we reject incrementalism.
That being said, states outlawing abortion (or upholding existing laws criminalizing abortion already on their books) isn't categorically incrementalism, that's a victory and ground taken.
Ultimately this is a state's issue. We would love the federal government to recognize the biological FACT than an unborn child is fully human from the moment of conception but God will ultimately turn the hearts and the minds of the nation through blessings and judgments of states prior to that.
God curses a land that sheds innocent blood.
States that criminalize abortion and uphold justice will have the curse lifted off of them. We will see a wonderful and frightening example of the states that allow human sacrifice versus states that do not.
I believe in a federal government so small than it can fit inside of a woman's body. In other words I don't believe that's the role of the federal government. Murder is a state issue. Always has been.
For one, +1 for everything you said. Greatly appreciate the initiative and results.
I think you’re missing the context of a few things for this being a states issue. Why is this being compared to slavery? Because it’s a human rights issue and an injustice.
Did amending the Constitution to abolish slavery make the government bigger? Was this a bad thing for this issue? What do you think would have happened if this wasn’t done? Slavery was a states issue, why did we end up abolishing it federally? Because the states could not agree on this injustice. Murder on the other hand, all states agree that it should be illegal. Abortion is not in the same category as murder in this aspect, it’s the same as slavery.
That lead to a civil war…
If the federal government can ban slavery, it can ban abortion. We don’t need another civil war to get to that point.
You didn't answer my question.
Which came first? States defined federal government and then the federal government coming around or the federal government acting first?
Try to be intellectually honest instead of trying to find a way to defend your position despite the short failings of it.
The only person that's talking about a civil war is you. If you think a bunch of blue hairs you're going to pick up guns (That most of them don't believe in and don't own) and start a civil War over abortion then you're delusional. They will go cry on TikTok with pussy hats on.
God calls us to establish justice. That starts locally that whatever level we can accomplish it at.
How about you try to understand what you’re reading before you go off on a tangent?
States came first… then a civil war happened because they disagreed and the slave states seceded from the US. Then the federal government happened.
You can down talk it all you want but it’s a real possibility and it’s something that isn’t needed. The people who are pro abortion are not right in the head and are more likely to make extremist decisions on the topic. Obviously I'm the only one who has brought this up in this thread.. that comment is pointless in the discussion here.
We’ve banned slavery federally.. there is absolutely no reason we can’t do this with abortion and there is no reason to divide the country on it like we did with slavery.
Yes God calls us to establish justice. That doesn’t need to start locally. All that does is allow the injustice to continue. All of the pro lifers need to come to terms with this and back up the abolitionists so that we can finally end this injustice instead of letting it continue…
Just like slavery, the people who are for it will not change their mind. This incremental small victory mindset is why we’re where we are today.
States are already trying to find out how to secede. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/larry-mendte-can-states-secede-from-the-us/ar-BB1mZtbE?ocid=BingNewsSerp
I'm with EndAbortionNow.com
We wrote the amicus brief that overturned Roe v Wade
We produced the two anti-abortion documentaries:
"Babies are murdered here"
"Babies are still murdered here"
We've accomplished more in a few short years on a shoestring budget than the pro-life establishment has accomplished in the last 30 years with untold millions of dollars. We've saved countless babies. We've lost count of how many at this point. We've also closed multiple abortion facilities. We've equipped multiple churches all over the world to fight abortion in a biblical manner. Leave published countless hours of content and training on YouTube. We've essentially changed the conversation and the way the issue is approached in large part.
I agree that incrementalism is why we're at where we are today which is why the existing pro-life establishment hates us because we're abolitionists. That's also why we're so successful, it's because we reject incrementalism.
That being said, states outlawing abortion (or upholding existing laws criminalizing abortion already on their books) isn't categorically incrementalism, that's a victory and ground taken.
Ultimately this is a state's issue. We would love the federal government to recognize the biological FACT than an unborn child is fully human from the moment of conception but God will ultimately turn the hearts and the minds of the nation through blessings and judgments of states prior to that.
God curses a land that sheds innocent blood.
States that criminalize abortion and uphold justice will have the curse lifted off of them. We will see a wonderful and frightening example of the states that allow human sacrifice versus states that do not.
I believe in a federal government so small than it can fit inside of a woman's body. In other words I don't believe that's the role of the federal government. Murder is a state issue. Always has been.
For one, +1 for everything you said. Greatly appreciate the initiative and results.
I think you’re missing the context of a few things for this being a states issue. Why is this being compared to slavery? Because it’s a human rights issue and an injustice.
Did amending the Constitution to abolish slavery make the government bigger? Was this a bad thing for this issue? What do you think would have happened if this wasn’t done? Slavery was a states issue, why did we end up abolishing it federally? Because the states could not agree on this injustice. Murder on the other hand, all states agree that it should be illegal. Abortion is not in the same category as murder in this aspect, it’s the same as slavery.