From the comment section: “Watch the interview with Steven Bartlett. Yuval (Noah Harari) is not the monster some think he is. He’s a nuanced man, he’s a prophet, he goes on retreat for about a month a year and unplugs from technology and work for that time so that he can contemplate and remain in touch with his deeper humanity.”
“He’s probably one of the best minds on the planet at the moment. Have you read his books before you start commenting on him? The world economic forum pay him handsomely because he has an astute and accurate vision of the future – it’s not a future that he necessarily wants or is creating, but it’s a future that he understands and he is prepared to warn us all about. Lay off him and pay more attention to what he’s actually saying !!”
Great article. T/u.
From the comment section: “Watch the interview with Steven Bartlett. Yuval (Noah Harari) is not the monster some think he is. He’s a nuanced man, he’s a prophet, he goes on retreat for about a month a year and unplugs from technology and work for that time so that he can contemplate and remain in touch with his deeper humanity.”
“He’s probably one of the best minds on the planet at the moment. Have you read his books before you start commenting on him? The world economic forum pay him handsomely because he has an astute and accurate vision of the future – it’s not a future that he necessarily wants or is creating, but it’s a future that he understands and he is prepared to warn us all about. Lay off him and pay more attention to what he’s actually saying !!”
😂😂😂 RM’s substack has been infiltrated.
Whew. Yeah, the comment section. Someone's opinion.
My opinion: Harari is one of the high priests of globalist satanism. Monster? Yep.