Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Did Eve really have an affair with the Devil and the product was Caine?
Nope. Well yes and no.
This is how I understand it:
Firstly, we need to understand the relation between the spirit and the flesh. Human beings, created as God's children, have a spirit (which is incorporeal, comprised of elements of the spiritual world) and a body (which is corporeal, comprised of the elements of the material world). Angels, however, are created with only an incorporeal body, aka spirit.
Human beings can interact with Angels because we have spirit. We can interact with the created material universe, because we have flesh. God created human beings as a microcosm of the creation: both spirit and flesh.
Adam and Eve could freely interact with Lucifer, an Archangel, because unfallen and pure, they had no impediments to spiritual communication. This is why they could also freely talk with God the Creator.
But prior to the creation of Adam and Eve, the archangels were at the complete top of the hierarchy of love, they receive God's love more than any other creature. They were the conduit for God's love and commands to the entire angelic world. After Adam was created, with both spirit and flesh, Lucifer felt jealous, thinking Adam was now the top dog, the most beloved of God.
That jealous feeling in Lucifer started to grow, and clouded his judgment. He thought he knew everything, and thought his evaluation that he should still be at the top was correct (it wasn't). He began to feel more distant from God, and slowly felt a lack of love. Then, seeing Eve, who as God's precious daughter was pure and beautiful, Lucifer felt powerfully attracted by her love.
Over time, they engaged more and more, and Lucifer began to tell lies to Eve, eventually seducing her to "eat the fruit".
What is the fruit? The fruit of a tree is that part of the tree where the seed for the next generation resides until it is planted. Here, the "fruit' of the tree symbolizes the love of Eve. When Lucifer tempted Eve to 'eat the fruit' he seduced her into a spiritual sexual relationship. is that possible? yes. The spirit is the model for the flesh. So spiritually, humans and angels have the same normal makeup we see in the flesh.
So while the union between Eve and Lucifer was sexual (love) in nature, it was not material, only spiritual.
But when Even then went to Adam, and tempted him, Eve and Adam "ate the fruit' by uniting in sexual love physically.
These are the two stages by which humanity fell and came under Satan's dominion. First, the 'spiritual fall' and then the 'material fall'.
What about Cain and Abel?
Well, as soon as Adam and Eve fell, God began work to restore them back. This meant reversing the fall. But how could he relate to Adam? God is only good, and Adam was now a mixture of Good and Evil, his good nature originally from God but now he had inherited evil nature from Lucifer, who had become Satan, via the relationship that Eve and then Adam had with Lucifer.
In order to relate to Adam, God symbolically divided Adam into symbolic (or relative) evil and symbolic (relative) good. Cain, the elder, represented the first fall, the one between Lucifer and Eve. That was more evil, because Lucifer was NEVER meant to be Eve's love partner. Abel, the younger, represented the second fall, which although evil, was relatively less evil because Adam was originally created to be Eve's love partner.
So God had Cain and Abel both make an offering, but he could accept Abel's because Abel represented relative good. He rejected Cain's because Cain represented relative evil.
Then, after the offerings, if Cain could humble himself to Abel, and acknowledge that Abel had God's favor, and then ask Abel to intervene for him to God, Cain would have done exactly what Lucifer was unable to do towards Adam. By Cain being humble to Abel, this would reverse the actions of Lucifer being arrogant and instead destroying Adam by tempting Eve.
Gen 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you refuse to do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires you, but you must master it.
What was it for Cain to "do what is right"? It was to, from the position of relative Evil, do the opposite of what Lucifer did, and humble himself to the one that God favored: Abel.
So, in conclusion, Eve's love and sexual relationship (in spirit) with Lucifer could not bear children, because Lucifer had no flesh. However, because Adam and Eve became love partners not under God's blessing, but via Lucifer's temptation, they became the 'children' of Lucifer, and all humanity thus became the lineage of Satan.
This is the reason why everyone must be reborn through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Because we are born into the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, aka Satan's lineage. This is exactly why we must "be adopted" into God's family.
Adam should have been the one who started God's family on the earth, by resisting temptation, and then after perfecting himself in faith, united with Eve under God's blessing. But he failed, and so Christ had to come as the 2nd Adam, to become the ancestor of God's family. To join that family, we must believe in Jesus and be reborn through the holy spirit.
Romans 8:23 Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
But here is the thing. Because the Fall took place in two stages - spiritual and then material - likewise, salvation (restoration) comes in two stages: We receive spiritual salvation through faith in Jesus and the Cross, and being reborn in the holy spirit BUT our flesh is still under Satan's claim.
Rom 7:25 Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with my mind I serve the law of God, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.
This is why the Second Coming is necessary. Christ at the first coming accomplished spiritual salvation (rebirth to God's lineage, spiritually) but had to pay the price of his flesh to accomplish this (the cross). The second coming is to complete the process, and restore our flesh as well as spirit, so that humanity is reborn both spiritual AND physically into God's lineage and out of Satan's dominion.
Until the second coming, everyone is born as an offspring of Satanic roots. But, the framework of Elder brother - Younger brother is continually used in God's providence to reverse the effects of the Fall and build god's foundation. Cain-Abel, Isaac-Ishmael, Esau-Jacob, Ephraim-Manesseh, etc.
The product of the relationship between Eve and Lucifer was the fallen spiritual lineage. The product of the relationship between Eve and Adam cemented that spiritual lineage in to human flesh.
Hope that helps.
Edit: addendum: Even though Lucifer felt jealous and his judgment became clouded, this would NOT be a problem if Eve and Adam kept faith in the commandment. So, God know that Lucifer might develop a problem, but he trusted that Adam and Eve would keep faith in his commandment not to eat the fruit, and know that if they DID keep faith, it would neutralize Lucifer's ability to fall and become Satan.
It was Eve's responsibility to believe the command and NOT respond to Lucifer (not eat the fruit)). But ultimately, it was Adam's responsibility to keep faith and NOT respond to Eve or Lucifer, either. This is another reason why Christ comes as a man: to restore Adam's failure. Christ fulfills the responsibility of man, because he is one in perfect union with God, the Word of God perfected in the Flesh.
That helps, thank you. 🤗