posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +40 / -0

I don't know much about the Secret Service. Maybe because they're secret, haha.

We don't really talk about them much on this board, or at least I haven't seen very many discussions. We will comment on President Trumps detail and motorcade, especially compared to FJB or BO.

But I was just thinking... what kind of person facilitates evil stuff on behalf of the President, and then keeps it secret? I guess the easy answer is that perhaps SS Agents are recruited because they are cut from a similar cloth... maybe? I don't know. Are they Godless, maybe even Satanists? Are they pedos themselves? Have they been "captured" Epstein-style? Or are they threatened?

We talk a lot about the three letter agencies. I wonder if we will learn about certain SS Agents who facilitated evil things and will therefore pay a visit to the Tribunals at Gitmo.

And, do you think we'll see or hear from whistleblowers? I think the Secret Service coming out in droves to talk about past evils would be very credible, although they risk being both thanked and then punished for not stepping forward and stopping atrocities (if they were witness to them, or helped facilitate them). Maybe some will come forward as witnesses and explain how their families and extended families were threatened if they spoke up, but now is the time to do that?

I am curious to know your thoughts. What role with the SS play, if any, as things heat up?