Kremlin: NATO Weapons To Be Hit In Any Country From Where Russia May Be Attacked
Predictably, the Kremlin is fuming at widespread reports that the Biden administration has made a U-turn on its policy which previously prohibited Ukraine from attack Russian soil with US-supplied weaponry.
Former Russian president and current Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev has warned that Russian forces could strike back from any point where attacks are launched, including on "NATO specialists" advising Ukraine forces.
"NATO countries that have approved strikes with their weapons on Russian territory should be aware that their equipment and specialists will be destroyed not only in Ukraine, but also at any point from where Russian territory is attacked," he said on Telegram, according to TASS, also noting that "the participation of NATO specialists could be seen as a casus belli."
"All their military equipment and specialists fighting against us will be destroyed both on the territory of former Ukraine and on the territory of other countries, should strikes be carried out from there against Russian territory," Medvedev added in the warning.
He said that contrary to much of the West's attempts to obfuscate the reality, Ukraine's long-rage missile systems are actually "directly operated by servicemen from NATO countries." He said this is tantamount to these countries' direct participation in the war.
Why bother issuing another warning?
This is about the 10th time Russia has issued a similar warning. At this point, either do something, or don't. Nobody seems to be listening to your warning.
Who's side are you on anyway?
Squarely on the U.S. Citizen's side.
What good is issuing another warning? If Russia has the capability and the will... then they should act on their convictions.
If they are incapable, lack the will of simply feel it would be a mistake to act on it... then stop issuing another meaningless warning. Continuing to say something that is obviously being ignored only makes Russia look like they fear to follow through, and it's an empty threat.
10 times? I never heard the Russia warning until today. I don't watch the MSM. I get all my news right here from the frogs.
if this is what this news does to GAW, I can't imagine what it must do to normies...
good movie