Correct. Air & Aether are sometimes grouped as one. Holy Spirit, Jesus, Christianity, Divine Presence are all versions of the Fifth Element. Absence of the Fifth Element allows evil to flourish unchecked, resulting in destruction by “Fire & Brimstone” (allegory of the movie).
Land, Air, Water = LAW = Natural LAW = Land Patents, Trusts, Maritime (Commerce/trade) = State Sovereignty (usurped), Vatican “spirit/aether” Control, London Banker Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).
Note Fire (energy) currently does NOT have its own full legal system, but crypto/Bitcoin/blockchain rules + human labor/energy as self-custody property appear to be getting built out (to end slavery and human trafficking once and for all). LAW will become LAWF at some point.
Fire, 4th Element, is weapon of evil and destruction without 5th Element. With 5th, it represents warmth, energy, and nurturing essential for life. Soil (earth), atmosphere (air), moisture (water), and heat (fire) all essential in order to get plant AND animal seeds and embryos to germinate into physical reality (4) and implanted with the Divine Spirit of God (1); [4+1=5 elements of LIFE].
Also for those who do not know, all religions, at their base, are obsessed with Earth/Air/Fire/Water/Aether and even express it in this way. Catholic priests, when being ordained, prostrate themselves face down and put their arms out to either side. North, South, East, West. Earth, Air, Fire, Water. And now... introduce the magic. The Aether.
Ephesians 2:6: “And God raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
By adding one thing, to this mud of which we are made.
God created ALL, therefore natural LAW, eventually LAWF, applies. Natural living man + woman have sovereign ownership over Land, Air, Water, and Fire (LAWF), but our sovereignty has been usurped from us by dead, fictitious, and unnatural (demonic?) entities called Corporations (root word ‘corpus’). There is a direct line between God and natural LAW, as recognized by our Founders. No God = No LAW.
Where energy is extracted from the air, or ether (per Tesla) it gets confused because the electromagnetic energy is invisible and thought incorrectly to be the same as air rather than energy overlaid on all four other elements, including air.
Note that electrostat balloons tethered ~100’ above land surface with energy capture “antennae” can pull the electric potential out and send it to the ground via copper wires (Tesla tower variation). It appears to be ~120V per meter of altitude at sea level. So 30 ft tower gives you about 1200V, 100’ balloon gives you around 4000V.
Correct. Air & Aether are sometimes grouped as one. Holy Spirit, Jesus, Christianity, Divine Presence are all versions of the Fifth Element. Absence of the Fifth Element allows evil to flourish unchecked, resulting in destruction by “Fire & Brimstone” (allegory of the movie).
Land, Air, Water = LAW = Natural LAW = Land Patents, Trusts, Maritime (Commerce/trade) = State Sovereignty (usurped), Vatican “spirit/aether” Control, London Banker Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).
Note Fire (energy) currently does NOT have its own full legal system, but crypto/Bitcoin/blockchain rules + human labor/energy as self-custody property appear to be getting built out (to end slavery and human trafficking once and for all). LAW will become LAWF at some point.
Fire, 4th Element, is weapon of evil and destruction without 5th Element. With 5th, it represents warmth, energy, and nurturing essential for life. Soil (earth), atmosphere (air), moisture (water), and heat (fire) all essential in order to get plant AND animal seeds and embryos to germinate into physical reality (4) and implanted with the Divine Spirit of God (1); [4+1=5 elements of LIFE].
Love the addition. Thank you.
Also for those who do not know, all religions, at their base, are obsessed with Earth/Air/Fire/Water/Aether and even express it in this way. Catholic priests, when being ordained, prostrate themselves face down and put their arms out to either side. North, South, East, West. Earth, Air, Fire, Water. And now... introduce the magic. The Aether.
Ephesians 2:6: “And God raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
By adding one thing, to this mud of which we are made.
His breath.
God created ALL, therefore natural LAW, eventually LAWF, applies. Natural living man + woman have sovereign ownership over Land, Air, Water, and Fire (LAWF), but our sovereignty has been usurped from us by dead, fictitious, and unnatural (demonic?) entities called Corporations (root word ‘corpus’). There is a direct line between God and natural LAW, as recognized by our Founders. No God = No LAW.
in what model are air and aether conflated?
Where energy is extracted from the air, or ether (per Tesla) it gets confused because the electromagnetic energy is invisible and thought incorrectly to be the same as air rather than energy overlaid on all four other elements, including air.
Note that electrostat balloons tethered ~100’ above land surface with energy capture “antennae” can pull the electric potential out and send it to the ground via copper wires (Tesla tower variation). It appears to be ~120V per meter of altitude at sea level. So 30 ft tower gives you about 1200V, 100’ balloon gives you around 4000V.