Their holy book says different. You and these "moderate" Muslims are ignoring that the Koran says it alone is the supreme law for islamicists, and not the law of whatever land they inhabit. Only the Koran is the law. They who disobey, regardless of their professed religion, are marked for destruction BY OTHER HUMAN BEINGS—who are defined by the Koran as the good people. You're good if you kill infidels.
Isn't it funny how the Bible doesn't say that?
Sure, it suggests you can go to hell for committing sins and not repenting. But that's GOD dishing out the punishment, not other humans.
Correct. It says to kill them. You can’t lie to a dead person.
13:6-10 (anyone who worships another God should be killed including those in your family)
But that prophet or that dreamer shall be put to death, because, in order to lead you astray from the way which the LORD, your God, has commanded you to take, the prophet or dreamer has spoken apostasy against the LORD, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
If your brother, your father’s child or your mother’s child, your son or daughter, your beloved spouse, or your intimate friend entices you secretly, saying, “Come, let us serve other gods,” whom you and your ancestors have not known,
any of the gods of the surrounding peoples, near to you or far away, from one end of the earth to the other:
do not yield or listen to any such person; show no pity or compassion and do not shield such a one,
but kill that person. Your hand shall be the first raised to put such a one to death; the hand of all the people shall follow
20:12-15 (kill all the males and take the females to enjoy as you like if they don’t agree with you)
But if it refuses to make peace with you and instead joins battle with you, lay siege to it,
and when the LORD, your God, delivers it into your power, put every male in it to the sword;
but the women and children and livestock and anything else in the city—all its spoil—you may take as plunder for yourselves, and you may enjoy this spoil of your enemies, which the LORD, your God, has given you.
That is how you shall deal with any city at a considerable distance from you, which does not belong to these nations here.
There is a difference, and yet a similarity, between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
All 3 start with the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
All 3 have a new book that supercedes -- to some degree -- the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
Christianity has the New Testament.
Islam has the Koran.
Judaism has the Talmud.
The Talmud is a complete refutation of the OT, so jews don't actually follow the OT at all. Their Talmud overrules the OT completely, though they lie about that aspect of their religion to non-jews.
The Koran agrees with the OT in some respects, but overrules it in other respects. Kill the infidel is one of the areas that that Koran agrees with the OT. So yes, they believe in killing non-believers. And we see that with their ACTIONS.
The New Testament has a new rule with regard to sin, in Christianity. In the OT, sin was often punishable by death. In the NT, Christ paid the price of sin by dying, so that Christians would no longer kill each other for sinful acts. So, Christians no longer kill sinners, including non-believers. And we see that LACK of killing for sin in their ACTIONS.
That is the difference.
A simple reading of the text, without understanding the CONTEXT of the entire book, is an ignorant take. I was guilty of that, as well, for most of my life.
But you cannot understand the OT without putting it in context of the NT, and you cannot understand the NT without putting it in context of the OT.
Their holy book says different. You and these "moderate" Muslims are ignoring that the Koran says it alone is the supreme law for islamicists, and not the law of whatever land they inhabit. Only the Koran is the law. They who disobey, regardless of their professed religion, are marked for destruction BY OTHER HUMAN BEINGS—who are defined by the Koran as the good people. You're good if you kill infidels.
Isn't it funny how the Bible doesn't say that?
Sure, it suggests you can go to hell for committing sins and not repenting. But that's GOD dishing out the punishment, not other humans.
I’m guessing you have never read Deuteronomy
Part of Islam is to LIE to non-believers if it gains an advantage for the muslim.
I bet your muslim "friends" won't tell you about that.
Deuteronomy doesn't encourage us to lie to infidels.
Correct. It says to kill them. You can’t lie to a dead person.
13:6-10 (anyone who worships another God should be killed including those in your family)
6 But that prophet or that dreamer shall be put to death, because, in order to lead you astray from the way which the LORD, your God, has commanded you to take, the prophet or dreamer has spoken apostasy against the LORD, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
7 If your brother, your father’s child or your mother’s child, your son or daughter, your beloved spouse, or your intimate friend entices you secretly, saying, “Come, let us serve other gods,” whom you and your ancestors have not known, 8 any of the gods of the surrounding peoples, near to you or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: 9 do not yield or listen to any such person; show no pity or compassion and do not shield such a one, 10 but kill that person. Your hand shall be the first raised to put such a one to death; the hand of all the people shall follow
20:12-15 (kill all the males and take the females to enjoy as you like if they don’t agree with you)
12 But if it refuses to make peace with you and instead joins battle with you, lay siege to it, 13 and when the LORD, your God, delivers it into your power, put every male in it to the sword; 14 but the women and children and livestock and anything else in the city—all its spoil—you may take as plunder for yourselves, and you may enjoy this spoil of your enemies, which the LORD, your God, has given you.
15 That is how you shall deal with any city at a considerable distance from you, which does not belong to these nations here.
There is a difference, and yet a similarity, between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
All 3 start with the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
All 3 have a new book that supercedes -- to some degree -- the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
Christianity has the New Testament.
Islam has the Koran.
Judaism has the Talmud.
The Talmud is a complete refutation of the OT, so jews don't actually follow the OT at all. Their Talmud overrules the OT completely, though they lie about that aspect of their religion to non-jews.
The Koran agrees with the OT in some respects, but overrules it in other respects. Kill the infidel is one of the areas that that Koran agrees with the OT. So yes, they believe in killing non-believers. And we see that with their ACTIONS.
The New Testament has a new rule with regard to sin, in Christianity. In the OT, sin was often punishable by death. In the NT, Christ paid the price of sin by dying, so that Christians would no longer kill each other for sinful acts. So, Christians no longer kill sinners, including non-believers. And we see that LACK of killing for sin in their ACTIONS.
That is the difference.
A simple reading of the text, without understanding the CONTEXT of the entire book, is an ignorant take. I was guilty of that, as well, for most of my life.
But you cannot understand the OT without putting it in context of the NT, and you cannot understand the NT without putting it in context of the OT.
I'm guessing you have never read the New Testament, where Jesus repudiates the barbaric punishments of the Old Testament, like those in Deuteronomy
Fascinating reading