DeepFuckingValue/RoaringKitty gigantic GME position
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Tune in tomorrow morning.
Keep holding or sell?
I bought a bunch more.
You do you.
Hold, premarket price is $61 currently.
I saw someone couple days ago saying it could go above $250.
$250 lol
this thing should theoretically go to INFINITY
MOASS - MOTHER OF ALL SHORT SQUEEZE I'm up about 60k myself.
Go to superstonk to read more.
What the dogshit just happened.
The dilution is one thing.
Then he comes on and says nothing basically? Am I missing something.
They halted trading so he couldn't do anything.
One halt was after a .40 move in price.
That seems a little silly.
Also it looks like the stream started early and i missed a lot of it, going by the transcript.
The share offering last night forced him to change his plan I bet. And it was 1/2 late starting.
just another day. if you manage to follow GME throughout a trading day, they usually pull this kind of crap the day after a massive pump up
one day last month i was watching it was halted something like 13 times across the entire trading day