This Is Concerning. We’re Definitely In An Election Year Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police
“These shipping containers that are hauling military equipment. If you try to even go near there, cops will start coming, and they will try to steal your footage. This is no joke. I'm putting my life on the line to bring you guys this footage”
This man has been documenting this and multiple times these containers have been showing up and unloaded full of military equipment. People in the comments say they’ve seen these in multiple states and it’s being speculated they could be used to arm illegal immigrants or for nefarious actions taking place before the election.
Painted on the side
Just spitballing a bit..
A lot of posts using this term contain movie reference
IE Jason Bourne (Dream/CIA/Deep Dream = Twitter), Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, GodfatherIII,
The Hunt For “RED” October (October surprise leading into Nov?) (Russian Nuclear Subs/threats?)
Also will see Hunters become hunted (coincides with Red Oct ref)
Red Oct and Iron Eagle seem to go together in a lot of posts, specifically this one where it appears to be the main context.
Haven’t looked for delta or dates, but in fact pulling up the “Eagle” search term brings up imo, some of the hardest hitting, deepest rabbit hole Q posts. I myself only scratch the surface of most of this, but it’s all so awe inspiring stuff. Lot of reference to Iran next and info which seems more pertinent now then ever.
Also worth noting the condition of the trailers, big weird painted over looking logo aside.. They seem tattered and warn down, yet such heavy guard? Are we that hard up for money to be using such run down units for whatever is important enough to guard? Or are they purposefully trying to remain inconspicuous and camouflage/hide in plain site?
I did a TinEye search on that logo and it didn't find anything. That makes it almost certain to be "New" and unaffiliated with any company or organization worldwide. Including images from movies and video games. This is likely a marker or identifier of some sort.
Well if you check the closer videos it appears to be Uncle Sams American Bald Eagle, like you’d see on the other side of the bill, hence the mil equipment.
However anons know this symbol to also be the Iron Eagle, which Q used numerous times, many times in connection with Hunt for RED October (nuclear subs/October surprise?)
Unless I am too tired to see correctly there was an APC on the side.
Istanbul shipping company.
Dug in after another Anon claimed it was the logo for APL & then saw APC on the end of the container.