Elon Musk Truth Bomb: The “right-wing” agenda today is just the centrist agenda of 20 years ago. The left has become an extinctionist movement.
The Musketeer
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I believe orangetastic1 is correct -- the lefties have burrowed into the institutions. In the Sixties, they called it "changing the system from within," and they regarded it as some kind of noble goal.
But athough Musk is essentially accurate, it's been going on for a lot longer than a mere twenty years. Since the late Fifties, at least. I'm old enough to have watched it happen first-hand.
Paul Harvey's famous monologue from 1965 said it well: https://youtu.be/R3e8lRabvQI
And the communist goals for the U.S. , as read into the Congressional record, in 1963: https://cdn.subsplash.com/documents/W8FD27/_source/5b8c9068-5344-4a33-b77a-31d54f98a52e/document.pdf
He must have known what the pedoelites were already doing back then