I don’t think someone addicted to crack should own a gun. I don’t think someone convicted of a violent felony should have the right to own a gun.
All constitutional rights have limits - we have a right to free speech, but (even at the time of adopting the 1st amendment), there were many examples of legal limits on speech, even making some speech (i.e. fraudulent speech) a crime.
How is being addicted to crack a violent felony, or even a felony at all? I feel like most people I know have tried a few drugs every now and then. Even people who are high still have a right to defend themselves against tyranny.
I didn’t mean drug possession charges are violent felonies, I meant that as two separate statements.
I agree that drug addiction is a complicated and serious problem and is less so a moral failing for the people afflicted by it. However, crack addiction drives people into crime - many, many thefts and crimes and spurred by addicts trying to steal to support their habits. They shouldn’t be allowed to own firearms for the good of everyone else.
All rights have limits. They lost theirs when they became addicted to a substance that erodes their sense of judgment, as tragic as it may be.
I guess as long as the person using crack is doing so responsibly, I don't have a problem with them owning a gun. It is true that drugs can lead to crimes, but not always, and it depends a lot on the drug and the person using it.
I don’t think someone addicted to crack should own a gun. I don’t think someone convicted of a violent felony should have the right to own a gun.
All constitutional rights have limits - we have a right to free speech, but (even at the time of adopting the 1st amendment), there were many examples of legal limits on speech, even making some speech (i.e. fraudulent speech) a crime.
How is being addicted to crack a violent felony, or even a felony at all? I feel like most people I know have tried a few drugs every now and then. Even people who are high still have a right to defend themselves against tyranny.
I didn’t mean drug possession charges are violent felonies, I meant that as two separate statements.
I agree that drug addiction is a complicated and serious problem and is less so a moral failing for the people afflicted by it. However, crack addiction drives people into crime - many, many thefts and crimes and spurred by addicts trying to steal to support their habits. They shouldn’t be allowed to own firearms for the good of everyone else.
All rights have limits. They lost theirs when they became addicted to a substance that erodes their sense of judgment, as tragic as it may be.
I guess as long as the person using crack is doing so responsibly, I don't have a problem with them owning a gun. It is true that drugs can lead to crimes, but not always, and it depends a lot on the drug and the person using it.