Alright, so you cut foreign aid and have reduced the federal budget by.... (calculating)... 1%. Then what? Should we just axe the military, medicaid, and social security?
And how much is fraud. 10%? 20%? Even if you could cut all the fraud out, what happens then? You're still not reducing the federal budget that much, especially not enough to get rid of the IRS.
Alright, so you cut foreign aid and have reduced the federal budget by.... (calculating)... 1%. Then what? Should we just axe the military, medicaid, and social security?
Yea because none of our money is outright stolen through each of those programs.
And how much is fraud. 10%? 20%? Even if you could cut all the fraud out, what happens then? You're still not reducing the federal budget that much, especially not enough to get rid of the IRS.
Business as usual ends with Trump. Is that not what this war is about?
Did it that last time he was in office?