posted ago by Brent75 ago by Brent75 +29 / -1

As the rest of the world is quickly catching on Finally to the whole Covid BS, and all the bullcrap safety of the “Vaxx’s”, Taiwan of all places that need to be weakened, is still in full Fauci Goose-step to wiping themselves out slowly. Any Covid decent is crushed there still. So when China decides to take Taiwan, the CDC, WHO, WEF, and Fauci Elites have made it 100% easier to take their military and civilians down. Leaving the US and Japan to bring the strength, to a loosing battle of the largest military on Earth, China, taking a far inferior and Covid-weakened Nation.

It’s just like a set up for heavy US and Japanese casualties, to attempt to help a country just 70 Nautical Miles from that massive CCP red tsunami. So I hate to even think or type this, but if Biden balks and we/US just let it happen, then it may just save thousands of US and Japanese lives that shouldn’t be wasted on a non-nuclear-non-winnable endeavor.
