this is why the Masons chose the time of day they did (when the Sun was at its highest) to kill "The Sacrificed King" & Catholic JFK.
there were mirror image obelisks (Osiris, the doctrine) & reflecting pools (Isis, the church) at Dealey Plaza.
when you look at Dealey Plaza from above, you see the female reproductive system (Mother Goddess worship)
when you invert the view, you get the "Unfinished Work" of the pyramid without the seated capstone, found on the back of the $1 bill (federal reserve note).
the capstone will be seated, when the Masons "work" is done, as Canada, the USA & Mexico will be merged into a single, communist-controlled nation.
Damn, every time I went down a water slide I was actually showing the world I'm a free Mason. every buried person is placed into a freemason position. Oh wait... simple symbol could mean many things and it would be unwise to attribute it to a single specific thing without more direct evidence.
Is this a different group of fags/ clowns than the ones who cover one eye?
Nah same people
Same fags and the Bob Marley image is fake.
Good to know. I thought maybe one group worshiped satan and the other lucifer.
Not that their is a difference.
In their mind you can lie with words (narratives) but you must tell the truth.
Horizon = Horus Risen
Horus = (the full body of initiates)
this is why the Masons chose the time of day they did (when the Sun was at its highest) to kill "The Sacrificed King" & Catholic JFK.
there were mirror image obelisks (Osiris, the doctrine) & reflecting pools (Isis, the church) at Dealey Plaza.
when you look at Dealey Plaza from above, you see the female reproductive system (Mother Goddess worship)
when you invert the view, you get the "Unfinished Work" of the pyramid without the seated capstone, found on the back of the $1 bill (federal reserve note).
the capstone will be seated, when the Masons "work" is done, as Canada, the USA & Mexico will be merged into a single, communist-controlled nation.
Damn, every time I went down a water slide I was actually showing the world I'm a free Mason. every buried person is placed into a freemason position. Oh wait... simple symbol could mean many things and it would be unwise to attribute it to a single specific thing without more direct evidence.
“If it’s not on the news it’s clearly not real”
completely missed the point didnt you.