Every single 99cent store just closed in CA. This just as $5-Below stores are popping up everywhere. $5 has effectively become the new $1. Good job Brandon
Sometimes stores are forced into bankruptcy so the globalist pigs can snap up the land cheap. They intentionally create crisis so they can take advantage of buying opportunities.
It always irritates me when people surrender their land to "conservation". Sure, the land is kept as is, but they are basically giving the land up and removing it from ever being available for people to use, surrendering it to eco commies, and often times those commies won't even let people swim in the water if it has a pond.
Every single 99cent store just closed in CA. This just as $5-Below stores are popping up everywhere. $5 has effectively become the new $1. Good job Brandon
Link for those who prefer not to use youtube. https://rumble.com/v52kg0s-economic-collapse-3200-stores-closed-family-dollar-walgreens-rite-aid-and-m.html
Sometimes stores are forced into bankruptcy so the globalist pigs can snap up the land cheap. They intentionally create crisis so they can take advantage of buying opportunities.
It always irritates me when people surrender their land to "conservation". Sure, the land is kept as is, but they are basically giving the land up and removing it from ever being available for people to use, surrendering it to eco commies, and often times those commies won't even let people swim in the water if it has a pond.
Private equity firms cause a lot of this.
Rite-Aids problems stem from the payouts on the opioid lawsuits.