It's amazing how many people don't know the answer to this. Hell I was among them; to me it was a forgone conclusion until maybe 5 or so years ago.
As bad as buying a slave is, I still think it's far worse to capture someone and sell them into slavery. If reparations make sense at all then that's who should pay it, but I don't think it makes one iota of sense hundreds of years after the fact.
Jews also bought them in larger numbers than Whites.
There were also blacks who owned black slaves.
Anthony Johnson (around 1670) was a black man who owned black slaves, and got the British laws (in the American colonies) changed so that a slave could be owned for life. Previously, the maximum was 7 years.
So, the White British colonists had a law that anyone who was a slave could become free after 7 years. But it took a black man to challenge the law, and the result was that it was changed to enslavement for life.
Thank you! I've told this story many times and I'm getting tired of typing it. It took a black man, himself a freed and wealthy former slave, to bring the African tradition of lifetime slavery to the English Colonies.
When the colonists defeated the british the protection scheme was over for the colonial, now USA navy and USA shipping. The Muslims had a heyday attacking now vulnerable USA shipping. Soooo…the US Marines were created. Part of the navy, to defend against shipping piracy, a good chunk being Muslim. Uniform added leather neck pieces to help protect against Muslim swords…Marine’s nickname? Leathernecks!!!
Marine hymn??? To the shores of Tripoli…what was based in Tripoli? Muslim pirates. The US Navy and Marines took the fight to the pirates.
Muslims are still among the most prevalent slavers in the world.
Crazy the history missing from the woke common core …
Mostly inter tribal warfare. Slaves were a big source of revenue that made tribal chiefs very rich. They achieved great power over their black people by selling another tribe's black people.
And that tribe has a ceremonial cloth that Pelosi and friends draped over their necks for that hideous kneeling photo. Commemorating the original slave traders. Morons.
And Arab slavers. The Arabs had a voracious appetite for slaves, particularly since so few of the ones who were caught would survive the journey north across the Sahara and the forced surgical castration. >90% died before getting to the slave markets on the N. African coast. The ones that lived were sold to various wealthy Arabs and later to the Ottomans, though the Ottomans seem to have had a much stronger preference for white slaves out of the Caucasus. The men were funneled into the army. The women were prized in the harems. They'd often command a price 10x higher than the African slaves who were seen as not intelligent enough to be useful as slaves.
But yes, other Africans were probably the biggest source. They'd go in and settle old ethnic scores. They'd raid villages, kill or capture as many as they could, rape the women as much as they thought they could get away with, and then sell them either to the Arabs or the Jewish Europeans on the coasts. Remember when Democrats in Congress famous decided to virtue signal and kneel for 8 min, 46 sec for George Floyd? They wore African cloths to help make the point. The cloth came from a tribe that was made extraordinarily wealthy by, you guessed it, enslaving and selling other Africans who they conquered. =D
It's key to remember that prior to the invention of quinine in the 1860s, Europeans didn't last long in Africa. They'd get malaria or other tropical diseases and die. It was notorious as the "Dark Continent" because European expeditions went in and never returned. They therefore, couldn't map it. On a map, the interior of the continent was dark/unknown. What they had, they got from rumors and stories told to them by Africans and Arabs who claimed to have been there. This is really important, because it makes absolutely clear that Europeans were NOT actively procuring the slaves at all.
Don't leave out who actually ran them down, caught them, and sold them to the slavers.
It's amazing how many people don't know the answer to this. Hell I was among them; to me it was a forgone conclusion until maybe 5 or so years ago.
As bad as buying a slave is, I still think it's far worse to capture someone and sell them into slavery. If reparations make sense at all then that's who should pay it, but I don't think it makes one iota of sense hundreds of years after the fact.
Jews also bought them in larger numbers than Whites.
There were also blacks who owned black slaves.
Anthony Johnson (around 1670) was a black man who owned black slaves, and got the British laws (in the American colonies) changed so that a slave could be owned for life. Previously, the maximum was 7 years.
So, the White British colonists had a law that anyone who was a slave could become free after 7 years. But it took a black man to challenge the law, and the result was that it was changed to enslavement for life.
7 is an odd number of years until you realize that 7 is a significant number in Judaism.
Thank you! I've told this story many times and I'm getting tired of typing it. It took a black man, himself a freed and wealthy former slave, to bring the African tradition of lifetime slavery to the English Colonies.
See: Anthony Johnson 1655
So Blacks caught the slaves and Jews sold them.
And Muslims also transported them.
When the colonists defeated the british the protection scheme was over for the colonial, now USA navy and USA shipping. The Muslims had a heyday attacking now vulnerable USA shipping. Soooo…the US Marines were created. Part of the navy, to defend against shipping piracy, a good chunk being Muslim. Uniform added leather neck pieces to help protect against Muslim swords…Marine’s nickname? Leathernecks!!!
Marine hymn??? To the shores of Tripoli…what was based in Tripoli? Muslim pirates. The US Navy and Marines took the fight to the pirates.
Muslims are still among the most prevalent slavers in the world.
Crazy the history missing from the woke common core …
Pass it on!!
Other black people in africa?
Mostly inter tribal warfare. Slaves were a big source of revenue that made tribal chiefs very rich. They achieved great power over their black people by selling another tribe's black people.
And that tribe has a ceremonial cloth that Pelosi and friends draped over their necks for that hideous kneeling photo. Commemorating the original slave traders. Morons.
Thanks, as I suspected.
And Arab slavers. The Arabs had a voracious appetite for slaves, particularly since so few of the ones who were caught would survive the journey north across the Sahara and the forced surgical castration. >90% died before getting to the slave markets on the N. African coast. The ones that lived were sold to various wealthy Arabs and later to the Ottomans, though the Ottomans seem to have had a much stronger preference for white slaves out of the Caucasus. The men were funneled into the army. The women were prized in the harems. They'd often command a price 10x higher than the African slaves who were seen as not intelligent enough to be useful as slaves.
But yes, other Africans were probably the biggest source. They'd go in and settle old ethnic scores. They'd raid villages, kill or capture as many as they could, rape the women as much as they thought they could get away with, and then sell them either to the Arabs or the Jewish Europeans on the coasts. Remember when Democrats in Congress famous decided to virtue signal and kneel for 8 min, 46 sec for George Floyd? They wore African cloths to help make the point. The cloth came from a tribe that was made extraordinarily wealthy by, you guessed it, enslaving and selling other Africans who they conquered. =D
It's key to remember that prior to the invention of quinine in the 1860s, Europeans didn't last long in Africa. They'd get malaria or other tropical diseases and die. It was notorious as the "Dark Continent" because European expeditions went in and never returned. They therefore, couldn't map it. On a map, the interior of the continent was dark/unknown. What they had, they got from rumors and stories told to them by Africans and Arabs who claimed to have been there. This is really important, because it makes absolutely clear that Europeans were NOT actively procuring the slaves at all.
Good stuff. Thank you.
Pedes with a lot of good history on this thread. I believe Mohammed was a straight up slaver and also pedophile, so there's that example too.