They don't care if they get control via God or communism or LBGT or anything else. However they can get control is fine with them.
Cabal had control with the Roman Catholic Church for over 1,000 years, until ... Martin Luther.
He showed the world that the RCC was lying about the Bible. That created the split, and Christianity has not looked back since. No way the cabal would want to give up the control they had.
He also wrote, "On the Jews and Their Lies," which was also anti-cabal, if anything.
The Roman emperors were noticing that Christianity was gaining popularity, so they attempted to reign it in under their control, via the Council of Nicea, and propping up the RCC as the "official" voice of Christianity. It worked for 1,000+ years.
Humans have a tendency to follow whomever they perceive to be "experts."
Around Luther's time was also the invention of the printing press, and that was the beginning of the end of "Divine Right to Rule." Just 200 years later, the USA rejected that concept entirely, and American success led the rest of the world to reject it, as well.
The downvotes… I swear. They’re so stupid sometimes.
This is inarguably true, and a major reason people have a negative opinion of the church as a whole.
It must be clarified that due to the centralized church ending up with a lot of money and power, evil people sought to infiltrate it, successfully did so, and used it as a means of power very effectively for a long time.
It does not need to be a reflection against the church or Christianity - re-aim the valid claim to be more properly against centralization, abuse of power, and evil, and in favor of vigilance and standing firm in righteousness.
If the church’s oppressions were undone by the church, which is what happened, then “the church” is not the proper term to use to describe the parties and conflict involved.
I’m actually going through your posts right now trying to find one from a few days ago on the exact same concept, but with “the Jews”. The people who infiltrated the church did so partly to gain access to money and power, but also to tarnish God’s good name and character. Same with the other. Anyone who considers themselves to be among God’s people is commanded by God himself to cast evildoers out from among ourselves.
IMO, zero chance.
Cabal wants control. Nothing else.
They don't care if they get control via God or communism or LBGT or anything else. However they can get control is fine with them.
Cabal had control with the Roman Catholic Church for over 1,000 years, until ... Martin Luther.
He showed the world that the RCC was lying about the Bible. That created the split, and Christianity has not looked back since. No way the cabal would want to give up the control they had.
He also wrote, "On the Jews and Their Lies," which was also anti-cabal, if anything.
The Roman emperors were noticing that Christianity was gaining popularity, so they attempted to reign it in under their control, via the Council of Nicea, and propping up the RCC as the "official" voice of Christianity. It worked for 1,000+ years.
Humans have a tendency to follow whomever they perceive to be "experts."
Around Luther's time was also the invention of the printing press, and that was the beginning of the end of "Divine Right to Rule." Just 200 years later, the USA rejected that concept entirely, and American success led the rest of the world to reject it, as well.
The cabal begins with the worlds monarchies. Go look up a roster of the Council of 300.
"Cabal" goes beyond mere monarchies. It includes those who sought to infiltrate the monarchies of Europe, which is what the Illuminati was all about.
I would argue "cabal" goes back before there were any monarchies.
The downvotes… I swear. They’re so stupid sometimes.
This is inarguably true, and a major reason people have a negative opinion of the church as a whole.
It must be clarified that due to the centralized church ending up with a lot of money and power, evil people sought to infiltrate it, successfully did so, and used it as a means of power very effectively for a long time.
It does not need to be a reflection against the church or Christianity - re-aim the valid claim to be more properly against centralization, abuse of power, and evil, and in favor of vigilance and standing firm in righteousness.
If the church’s oppressions were undone by the church, which is what happened, then “the church” is not the proper term to use to describe the parties and conflict involved.
I’m actually going through your posts right now trying to find one from a few days ago on the exact same concept, but with “the Jews”. The people who infiltrated the church did so partly to gain access to money and power, but also to tarnish God’s good name and character. Same with the other. Anyone who considers themselves to be among God’s people is commanded by God himself to cast evildoers out from among ourselves.
It’s all about the dividing line.