I'll never forget when I was in labor with my first son. My dr. had taken his first vacation in years and wasn't there for the delivery. The nurse said, "But don't worry, I think you'll like Dr. Davies and you'll love his accent!" My husband sulked and glowered until I started to push because he never has understood why women like those accents. Now 30 years later he rolls his eyes every time he hears my Siri, which is programmed to be an Australian male, lol.
u/purkiss80 puts up with me teasing him about his accent all the time.
I could listen to Neil Oliver for hours. Interesting man. Maybe it's the accent?
He has a lot of stuff on yt, which is why I still visit there!
It's that irresistible Scottish lilt
I concur.....for me, the Scottish is the best!
I'll never forget when I was in labor with my first son. My dr. had taken his first vacation in years and wasn't there for the delivery. The nurse said, "But don't worry, I think you'll like Dr. Davies and you'll love his accent!" My husband sulked and glowered until I started to push because he never has understood why women like those accents. Now 30 years later he rolls his eyes every time he hears my Siri, which is programmed to be an Australian male, lol. u/purkiss80 puts up with me teasing him about his accent all the time.
...tis a wee bit...
same here :)