If, for whatever reason, you decide you've had enough of this place, please be aware that if you delete your account you also delete every post and comment made, which results in entire threads being unavailable to the rest of us. If you intend on this that's your business but I just wanted you all to be clear on what happens. It will render future references to old posts impossible.
Rooftoptendie private messaged me when I got a temporary ban. Maybe we will talk again one day.
Man all these people disappearing, shit. Somehow I missed this one too.
Mother fuuuuu
Hope I don't catch a little vacation for this, but look around at how dead this place is now.
Most posts may get a dozen or so views and a handful of responses, if that. Then there are a few posts that get people outraged over something and a large pitchfork and torches group carries on about it.
It's pretty predictable. And sad.
Ya we just get caught up in daily lives. I don't even post as much as I used to. My kids take up most my time.