Neither 😊 As an engineer I got recruited under Reagan to help with acquisition of the new weapons systems that they had planned. My OTS class was the largest ever (‘85) and had a lot of engineers in it.
Knowing what I know now? 😡 But I’m proud to have served, met my husband, got my Master’s in Computer Science and now I write software that helps train the troops.
I am conflicted about still supporting the military industrial complex but will gladly do something else when everything is revealed and if what I do is no longer needed. My husband and I argue about what what military size and budget will be needed. I hope much, much smaller!
Neither 😊 As an engineer I got recruited under Reagan to help with acquisition of the new weapons systems that they had planned. My OTS class was the largest ever (‘85) and had a lot of engineers in it.
Knowing what I know now? 😡 But I’m proud to have served, met my husband, got my Master’s in Computer Science and now I write software that helps train the troops.
I am conflicted about still supporting the military industrial complex but will gladly do something else when everything is revealed and if what I do is no longer needed. My husband and I argue about what what military size and budget will be needed. I hope much, much smaller!
Oh wow that’s awesome! Good to see you still got some fight in yah and a strong will behind it. o7