121 Catturd ™ ... - "WTF? This is so damn cringe - what a complete cuck. 😂"....👉 (OMG, is there a bigger Soy Boy on planet Earth than Travis Kelce at a Taylor Swift concert? 👇🤣) (twitter.com) posted 264 days ago by purkiss80 264 days ago by purkiss80 +124 / -3 73 comments share 73 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Kelce would kneel and felate a strap on if it would get him in the good graces of the Demmunist Party Apparatchiks.
Spoken like someone who doesn't have Schiff or Schumer in their goverment or senaye staffers filming gay porn in the the capitol.
It must be nice to have corrupt warlords running the government when we have pedophiles....
End rant.
Speak for yourself
Rarely has a username been more apt
As it stands, he has outlived his usefulness and will likely be Arkancided.