I sent https://hereistheevidence.com to one of the redditards and he said "Sources are missing or not updated, get back to me when you got some evidence"
The first machine count had dragged on for days after Nov. 4, the day Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger promised the counting would be finished and President Trump’s over 103,000 vote lead was insurmountable. The 17,234 votes Fulton County had to come up with were important.
Don't we know? They faked a water main break, and pulled out the extra ballots when no one was looking
Exactly. That exposes why they had a need to ;ie to start with.
Required reading.
Send this to your normcore "friends" who think all of this has been debunked.
I was debating someone on reddit, these retards do not give a shit about evidence, they just state "courts threw out all cases!!!"
Many times I debate my lifelong friend, who voted for Trump both times, who still believes Joe Biden legitimately won.
I guess some people don't want to believe that the world is a lie.
I sent https://hereistheevidence.com to one of the redditards and he said "Sources are missing or not updated, get back to me when you got some evidence"
From the Article:
More than "17" thousand short.
1+7+2+3+4 = 17.
How many coincidences???
Exactly. Thnak you for sharing this..
I cant read these things. Too much salt in the wound.
Thank you for sharing this. Keep the faith.
This is a really good summation of the 2020 GA election fraud. Wow. Thanks for posting.
All the credit goes to this reporter who has the courage to report the truth to the people.
There's no such thing as "must read" that comes from the Cancer Pundit.
Say hi to Team Biden and the Agency.