Yeah, that’s exactly what I was trying to figure out the other day with the Juneteenth comments - how to remove the accusative feeling parts and leave the constructive common ground.
Dunno if It was a good attempt or not, being the semi-autist I am, but that was the intention.
This stuff tends to turn me into Pepe Silvia pointing wildly at maps.
I agree.
There is a reason why human beings don’t like when we blame an entire group of people of the bad behavior of a few.
Because it puts innocent people like children in harms way.
Trump knows this and avoids this. He doesn’t need to say it’s the Jews.
He knows he could say Fake News and get the job done.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I was trying to figure out the other day with the Juneteenth comments - how to remove the accusative feeling parts and leave the constructive common ground.
Dunno if It was a good attempt or not, being the semi-autist I am, but that was the intention.
This stuff tends to turn me into Pepe Silvia pointing wildly at maps.
A great American once said, while attempting to stamp out another pagan group of people: "nits make lice."
Edited to change incorrect Mormon ref altho I have heard it used about Mormons also