OK, wait. I think GAW could 'slice and dice' this very interesting comment six ways to Sunday. "This is it. Our enemy is a paper tiger." What do you think? Is this malice? Or is it incompetence? Are the white hats running the entire show? Or are the black hats being forced into all this?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
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Im a big history buff. So I always go back to what I know (or think I do -- is the history we are taught the true history? I struggle with this intellectually often.) The control the Patriots maintain is the control over the battlefield, not every action and reaction.
It is similar to the war in Europe after the allies broke out from hedgerow country and the destruction of the Falaise Pocket. There was little doubt in the final outcome but going from point A to point B was fraught with danger. The Germans were not without resources. The Battle of the Bulge and "Spring Awakening" offensive (coming hot on the heels of the Battle of the Bulge) against the Russians in Hungary comes to mind.
Or the war in the Pacific after Midway. The Japanese didnt have the resources to overcome what the US could bring to bear against them. But you still had to take massive casualties to root them out, island by island.
Not perfect analogies but the same tenor is felt.
I hear what you are saying. Infact, my own theory about wars is that in every Banker war all sides agree with the intermediate goals and final goals (perhaps they are given option A & B, and they need to pick one of the two - but thats as much as the freedom they have). How each country enables the desired outcome (including losing the war) is up to them. They can use "incompetence", "corruption", "miscommunication in the field" or whatever else they want - but the way they achieve the end result has to pass muster amongst the rank and file who are not in it.
I think the french intentionally last in 1940. They wanted hitler to win, and then tried to kill him off.
The original plan was to allow Hitler to occupy the whole of West Europe, while Stalin would take over all the East Europe, and they would divide and conquer the world between National Socialism vs Communist Socialism.
Hitler did 2 strategic things historians cannot explain. He refused to go full force against British and he went against the Soviets.
My interpretation is that Hitler realised his control over the dark lords Nazis (the real controllers of the NSDAP - the real Nazis) was tenuous and if he did win, it wont be good for the world. He had an understanding with Stalin in broad terms as to how to defeat the Cabal agenda (which they themselves were figuring out only hazily).
Stalin on the other hand had very good control over the commies - having defeated Trotskyists and purged the old guard. So it so ended happening that Commies defeated Nazis thanks to Hitler and Stalin working together to thwart the Cabal. In the process millions of Cabal assets on both sides were killed but a lot of good patriots were sacrificed on both sides too. Compared to this, the sacrifice required under this Q Plan is a small fraction.
Stalin also did two strategic things the historians like to pretend was nothing unexpected. He was supposed to take over as much of Western Europe as he could and thee Allied forces had orders slowing them on their march to Berlin for this very reason. Yet, Stalin did not end up taking over the whole Berlin or going even further. The second thing he did - he instituted "Iron Curtain".
Iron Curtain is very similar to Japan's Sakoku (Isolationism) under the Tokugawa Shogunate. They both achieved the same thing - isolating their countries from the Banker control to the best extent possible.
The nuclear conflict the Bankers so badly wanted never happened and they had to be satisfied with the shitty (from their point of view) "cold war".
They got rid of Stalin and put in Kruschev, they guy. He managed to get as far as Cuban missile crisis, but with JFK not playing along, it went no where.
Is it a coincidence that Kruschev was out a year after that failed crisis?
People don't realise - between Hitler and Stalin, they pushed back the Cabal agenda by atleast 70 years, at great sacrifice of their own people and their legacies.
Interesting perspective.