At this point if they haven't had any curiosity or interest in what's been going on and were basically an asshole for the last 6 years, are going to so shocked and surprised when many won't be willing to explain anything or coddle them - they'll have a LOT of reading & research a head of them.
My response when they finally grasp some important fact will be the living meme of Nicolas Cage "Ya don't say..." and move on.
That's right NPC's, we are the news now, and we have been for a long time.
You're going to join us one way or another, the sooner the better (for you).
Bad news is you're already way behind us, and you have a lot of catching up to do.
But first, gotta get rid of those chips they installed in their brains!
I don not believe mRNA can be easily removed.
At this point if they haven't had any curiosity or interest in what's been going on and were basically an asshole for the last 6 years, are going to so shocked and surprised when many won't be willing to explain anything or coddle them - they'll have a LOT of reading & research a head of them.
My response when they finally grasp some important fact will be the living meme of Nicolas Cage "Ya don't say..." and move on.